I never thought I would be playing a game that's as old as my nephew (who just graduated college) on my phone, but here I am, a full-fledged PokeMOM! Lots of people are playing it, and lots of people...
No longer a toddler or needy little kid and not yet an eye-rolling teenager, the big kid phase is what I call the parenting sweet spot. Now don’t get me wrong, a squishy newborn is delightful in so many...
When my 8-year-old son, Cole, and I were invited to attend a Growin’GEERS event, I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. Well, I can tell you as a mom and as a former teacher, I was blown...
The opening ceremony of the XXII Sochi Olympic Winter Games 2014 kicked off on Friday, February 7 at 12:18pm ET. I'm dating myself here, but the 1984 Olympic Games took place while I was in Kindergarten. I remember posing...
They are so cute, small and bright. Little sponges starting to make their mark in the educational world. Are you ready? Ready for Kindergarten? It’s time to start planning for it. I know, it’s hard to swallow and we still...
Before marriage, before kids, my husband and I made the first major commitment of our life together when we brought home our puppy, Annabelle. We were both so in love with that sweet little ball of fur, and like...
All children are unique in their own way — that's something we learn early on in our journeys as mothers. And just as our children all reach milestones in their own way (and in their own time!), they also...
The chrysalis had turned black. I searched Google for answers, but Harvey knew this meant it would hatch soon because he has been learning about this with his class. We had left the house for two hours and when...
Unfortunately, vaccines have become controversial among many parents. This is largely due to a now-discredited report from a doctor who claimed to find a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Andrew Wakefield's study was retracted from British medical journal...
“Life isn't fair.” “Being a kid is easy. Wait until you have to deal with adult things.” I would imagine if you walked into any household across America, you’d hear parents uttering one or both of the above statements to the frustrated...
Hopefully, the holiday break allowed us all to catch a moment or two of relaxation and peace. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who works with gifted, creative, and high-performing kids, I enjoyed listening to the rejuvenating stories of many...
When we lived in Europe, every Daycare (Crèche) I saw had an on-site kitchen. The kitchen had two proposes. Primarily it was to make food for the children. I remember walking into our son’s crèche and smelling leeks sautéing...

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