Don't publicly shame me. Don't use Harry Potter's wizardry against my family, and don't tell me that I'm depriving my sons from the iconic It's a Small World ride. Our family is just not super into Disney World. When our now 4-year-old son Landon...
Most mornings after I rush out of the house and have ten quiet minutes in the car on the way to work I rerun through my head all the things I meant to say to my kids before I...
My big kids always love taking a trip downtown to ride The Skyway and explore the downtown library, but I was recently surprised when my three-year-old begged to go "ride the monorail"!  "Please! Please! Please! Please, Mommy," she said....
"I'm not sure what I should be teaching our son," I recently said to my husband of our 18-month-old son, Archer. "He can say all of 12 words. Isn't it a little early to be teaching him numbers and...
All children are unique in their own way — that's something we learn early on in our journeys as mothers. And just as our children all reach milestones in their own way (and in their own time!), they also...
Often throughout my life, my father has said to me, "Don't be so hard on yourself!" Of course, in high school and college, and while looking for jobs and looking for a better job, and during grad school, I'd...
Whether you’ve experienced it as a parent or not, we’ve all heard about the “terrible twos,” with stories of epic temper tantrums and complete meltdowns in grocery store aisles. The odds of a toddler having a temper tantrum are...
You know that mom who rises an hour before her children, gets everything prepped for the day and still has time for personal primping before her sweet angels awake at 8 AM, babbling happily until she’s ready to go...
Amy West Wilson

Answer With Caution

If you are a stay at home/work at home mom like myself, you may find yourself in the precarious position of needing to take phone calls during the waking hours of your preschooler. This can be a dangerous and...
  As a mother of young children, I’ve faced the many parenting decisions anyone would come to expect. I had to decide how to feed them, how to help them sleep, and how to teach them to share. Unfortunately, or...
My son is busy, busy, busy! I get him outside as much as possible – the playground, the pool, even the backyard with a hose and some beach buckets. But there are always those times when he can’t be...
Name that tune: "When I'm gone, When I'm gone, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Those lyrics are from Anna Kendrick's rendition of "Cups" in the movie Pitch Perfect, in which she enhances the song with a beat...

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