Anxiety. It affects every part of my life and that includes how I mother. I wish I could say my mental health never caused me to lose my cool, but I believe being honest about motherhood and mental health...
When my daughter was only a few weeks old, my husband and I were admiring her as she slept and talking about all the things we couldn’t wait to do with her as she got older. I was imagining...
I click on every article I see about hospitality. I love the idea of come one, come all Sunday suppers, of friends popping in for coffee at any time, of people stopping by for dinner any day of the...
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a mom who has clinked her glass at one of the millions of boozy-mom memes that permeate every corner of the Internet. Or maybe not. Maybe you’re a person who is angered...
I thought I was doing all the right things. I sent him to the best school we could afford. He was involved in every sport and activity he was interested in. He had a great crew of boys and...
You can’t walk down the aisles at Target without being smacked in the face with the latest trendy self-help feel-good platitude plastered on a mug or a sweatshirt. I’m all for gorgeous hand lettering, and Brené Brown is my...
There I was, 14 weeks pregnant, on my knees on my bedroom floor just praying, praying for a healthy baby — and for the utmost acceptance over any possible outcome. (I don't always pray on my knees, but when...
Mommin’ ain't easy. We hear this often and we know it to be true, but our social feeds tell us otherwise. With cameras available constantly, we are blessed to be able to capture the everyday moments and memories like...
One night, I sat in bed overanalyzing a situation as I'm inclined to do. Were my words understood? My actions accepted? Should I apologize on the off chance that someone might think differently of me if I didn't? This...
As a mother, heck, as a woman… as a human being, I look for things that will bring me some calm and peace during a hard day or week. I’m not talking massages or taking a walk. Albeit those...
You would not know it to see me now, struggling through the grocery store with two toddlers and two older children at 5 p.m. on a weekday (always a bad decision) just for some milk, but my arms weren't...
I was the first of my friends to get pregnant. There was no seasoned veteran around to call upon when my water broke at the end of that pregnancy game. Suddenly, I was the rookie expected to bring home...

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