Things to Do

Things To Do In Jacksonville, Florida

If you’re like most moms in addition to being a chauffeur, chef, tutor, and house cleaner you are a planner. And since making sure your kids are entertained is part of your job description you probably like to get a jump on activities early. Thankfully Jacksonville Mom has done some of the leg work for you so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the fun with your family with our things to do guide.

Whether you’re looking for a solo activity or something to do with the entire family, there are plenty of options to choose from right here in Jacksonville. Maybe you’re in the mood to explore the great outdoors and go for a hike or try your hand at blueberry picking and we can’t leave out a family golf outing!

Of course we can’t forget the tried and true fun in the sun activity – pools and splash pads. Maybe indoor fun in more your speed, like grabbing an amazing brunch at a favorite local spot.

Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s something that brings you joy and helps you relax and recharge!

Since so many of you found my suggestions for day trips from Jacksonville useful, I thought I would start dissecting our little (HUGE really) city by areas and talk about some fun, kid-friendly places to go and eat! Since...
It's that time of year! Time for summer reading club! My family takes full advantage of all Jacksonville has to offer for summer reading clubs. Our favorite by far, and the first one we ever participated in, is the...
It’s summertime and your kids are out of school. If your child is not in daycare or summer camps, your options are to swim, stay home in the cool air conditioning, or do lots of different activities out of...
Gardening with toddlers

Our Summer Project

"Liam, you dug up the broccoli that you JUST planted!" "Sydney, please keep the dirt in the garden honey! No, honey, don't eat the dirt, it's yucky!" Sound anything like your house when you are attempting a fun family project?...
Cirque du Soleil has always awed and amazed me with their ridiculous tricks all the while displaying unreal grace and artistry. When I heard about a new studio in town offering Aerial Arts classes, I jumped at the chance...
Every night I go to great lengths to provide my kiddos and husband with a healthy meal. A protein, fruit, vegetable and usually something else a little "fun" like heart-shaped sandwiches. All to have my three-year-old take a few...
I am sure you are being bombarded with the advertising and media talking about the One Spark event scheduled for April 17th through April 21st. You are probably asking yourselves what is it all about and why should I...
Last week’s temps may not have felt like spring weather, but it is, in fact, springtime! And while we may still have a chilly day or two here and there, most of us are putting away our sweaters, dusting...
Well, we did have our spring break mapped out and planned! That was until Sunday night when my three-year-old threw up all over me at dinner, at a restaurant, as we were dining with two other couples. Awesome! The...
After my first Pure Barre class, I was sore EVERYWHERE. I took the weekend to recover, but Monday morning I was determined to go back for my second class. That day I also started Stroller Strength’s spring fitness challenge,...
Last year, my twins started Kindergarten. I remember contemplating what to do during Spring Break. After all it was their first real Spring Break, I had to make it special, right? I realized that having school every day kept us...
My big kids always love taking a trip downtown to ride The Skyway and explore the downtown library, but I was recently surprised when my three-year-old begged to go "ride the monorail"!  "Please! Please! Please! Please, Mommy," she said....

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