If you haven’t felt the effects of this year, then please find something else to read. This is not for the person who is #blessed or feeling like they have become the best version of themselves this year. No....
I was so excited about 2020. We started off the year in Spain, bringing our then 13-month-old son on his first international trip. As usual, he took everything like a champ, and we are so grateful that we were able...
I thought when my kids were back in school, when the endless Spring Break 2020 had finally ended, that things would more or less go back to “normal.” Maybe I was being naïve or daydreaming because it hasn’t felt...
One in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult. Not only that, but child protective services finds evidence of child sexual abuse every...
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year...” They all went back TO SCHOOL! As the last of the kids in our area began their school year, in every different method, in every different way, we can collectively say,...
Even before lockdowns and COVID, quarantines and corona, my car was always the only space where I could be alone. There were times I really, really wished my commute was more than 10 minutes so I could have more...
No words. That's not a comfortable place for someone like me who tends to use all the words, whether welcomed or not, and believes that the power of words can change nations, build bridges, and heal brokenness. Yet, as I watched...
Self-care shouldn’t be a once-a-year event that women only get to do on Mother’s Day. It shouldn't be a day where your children suddenly "see" you and acknowledge all that you do on a daily basis and give you...
Let’s face it — every day is a sh*t show in most of our households. From well before sunup until we can no longer keep our eyes open, we are doing whatever it takes to remain sane and find...
It’s very easy to let the 'round-the-clock news of delays, cancellations, warnings, guidelines, no school, interim rules, etc. consume our lives right now. I’m still coming to terms with how to keep my older son busy (and still learning!)...
Change has always been hard for me. Specifically, big life changes. Kind of like what we are all experiencing right now. The first time I got rocked by change was when I had my twins. If diving into parenthood with...
When I first started writing, one of the first blogs I wrote was about how while I love being a mommy, I don’t want my only identity to be “mommy.” Now hear me out, since, during that time, my...

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