I had our fifth and final miscarriage in December. We officially stopped pursuing treatments shortly after that because while I could have physically continued, for the first time in eight years I admitted this was a process that was...
Let's face it, we're not getting any younger. If there is one thing to be mindful of as we age gracefully, it's our skin. Having a great skincare regimen is the only way you can keep your face looking fresh...
What could be better than your child finding a best friend? Here's a thought: Realizing you like the mom just as much as the kids like each other. Jackpot! It's not before long that playdates become standing appointments, text messages...
Summer can often leave you feeling like you need a break from parenting. You might even be looking forward to the start of school and a much-needed hiatus from the intense fun you and your family have had over...
March 4th is Moms for Moms Day! The Bump was inspired by CT Working Moms Campaign for Judgment-Free Motherhood photo shoot they did and wanted to expand that message. This vision for Moms for Moms Day: "The journey to motherhood is...
I am always up for a moms' night out. A few hours of adult conversation, mommy camaraderie and an uninterrupted meal have been a lifeline to my sanity the last nine years. When we all had just had babies,...
Heard of Etsy? If you haven't gone to the bathroom in a while I suggest you do because you may just pee your pants with excitement! Well, just go anyway because once you start browsing on Etsy you could...
One of the most challenging things about being an office mom is fitting it all in. I can spend entire weekends running errands if I don’t knock some of them out during the week. But after I pick up...
I admit to spending most of my life not understanding the true value of female friendships. It's not that I didn't have friends, some of those long-lasting, but I didn't understand how the friendships I'd form would be so...
When it comes to being attacked, you probably think, “That will never happen to me.” Of course, not. No one wants it to happen to them, but in reality, it does and it could happen. One out of three women...
Finally getting that positive pregnancy test result can be absolutely thrilling. Even while you're still unwrapping the second stick to test again because this can't be real, you're thinking of the seven hundred Facebook friends who need to know, like, right...
There was a point during my 40th year when I decided to take charge of my health. I couldn’t control my age, but I was going to make sure that whatever 40 and beyond threw at me, I’d be...

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