Have you ever looked back on a photo of your kid(s), and said something like… “oh my goodness, I totally forgot about that time when he was teething and he could only fall asleep by swinging… so glad that’s...
Being nice does not come naturally to me. I'm not saying I'm not friendly, polite or even empathetic — I am all of those things. I love a shelter dog, I hold the door for the stranger behind me,...
"Wait. There are timers for your nipples?" I sat smugly in the corner at yet another baby shower, and this was the response I blurted out when the mom-to-be was overcome with jubilation opening the gift that was her breastfeeding timer....
Nine months sounds like a long time, but it can be a whirlwind for pregnant women preparing for the day when their baby boy or girl arrives. In the days that follow, new mothers will learn how to change...
Heard of Etsy? If you haven't gone to the bathroom in a while I suggest you do because you may just pee your pants with excitement! Well, just go anyway because once you start browsing on Etsy you could...
I found myself nodding along with the post, "Dear Husbands: Mother’s Day Is Not About Your Mom," feeling all too much the recent stress of trying to plan a Mother’s Day gift for my mom, a craft from my...
It was about 1:15 a.m. when I got the first text from my husband, after not hearing from him for several hours. He was at a conference in Atlanta for three days. The text said: Husband: Jon Hamm at ...
Brought to you by First Coast YMCA Becoming a mom is a joyous time. Nevertheless, one day you might feel bold and ready, and the next day you might feel overwhelmed. Luckily, you can reach out to community resources to...
When I was putting the lists of things to buy or not buy together, my mama friends also told me there were things they bought they wished they hadn’t. And not because they weren’t great to have, because they...
  It’s a common scenario played out at dinner tables everywhere – a family sits down to a shared meal when a picky eater threatens to ruin that unifying experience that so many parents look forward at least once a...
Over the last 100 years, immunizations have become one of modern medicine’s greatest success stories. With the introduction of vaccines in the twentieth century that provided protection against some of the most common and deadly childhood illness like measles and mumps, polio, and smallpox, the last several generations of parents in the United...
It's hard to make friends with two-day-old spit up all over your four-day-old t-shirt. It's hard to make friends when your toddler has let you sleep approximately three hours in last three years, forcing you to spend the last three...

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