Although we launched in October 2012, 2013 was the first full year for Jacksonville Moms Blog. In the past year we have gained almost 3,500 new Facebook fans, and we are so grateful for all of our new readers....
Already a mom of two, Lindsey Ford knew instinctively that something was wrong with her baby boy Munro as soon as he was born on May 4, 2014. When the nurse laid her infant on her chest, she could...
Holidays in a military family can be something of a Choose Your Own Adventure. Far from family and the comfort of holidays at home, you're forced to create your own traditions--sometimes with people you barely know. I'm not from a large...
You know me. I’m the one unloading her kids from the car at the park just as you are pulling away to go home for dinner. Being a working mom feels so lonely sometimes.
I walked into the gym and all I saw were barbells with massive weight plates attached. I quickly scanned the room looking for lighter weights because there was no way I was lifting one of the heavier options. To...
Being nice does not come naturally to me. I'm not saying I'm not friendly, polite or even empathetic — I am all of those things. I love a shelter dog, I hold the door for the stranger behind me,...
I’m going to save everyone’s time and some internet space and skip the obvious items here: car seat, stroller with good sun protection, thermometer, crib, bouncer, breast pump, Ergo or similar baby carrier, diaper bag, burp cloths and blankets....
Britax knows how to party. Ok, there's also unparalleled safety and idiot-mom proof installation--but also, yeah, cupcakes. It's Child Passenger Safety Month and, last week, Britax and City Moms Blog Network got together with Jacksonville Moms Blog to introduce a group...
I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you… This Bible scripture from John 14:18, pretty much sums up the journey that lead my children and how I discovered my life’s purpose. As an 8-year-old child, I read...
June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month- as are most months, in our house. I've been a Vegetarian for the majority of my life; beginning Thanksgiving Day the year I turned 13. The last meat I ate was chicken in the...
  Preparing for a baby is an exciting and special time. It is also overwhelming. I know that shopping for baby products can just reduce a hormonal mama-to-be to tears – there is so much stuff and so many brands...
Brought to you by  24/7 Pediatric Care Centers What an exciting time! You and your newborn are headed home from the hospital. It’s thrilling and also a little scary to take charge of this new little one’s schedule and all...

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