Give Breast A Rest

You may be noticing a plethora of Breastfeeding related stories drowning out the usual engagement shoots and spaghetti covered babies on your social media feeds. August is National Breastfeeding Month, the first week of which is also recognized as World...
Dear Friends,I am a lucky gal. After 13 months of Mommyhood (Seriously? Is that it?), I can honestly say I've found my Wolfpack here in Jacksonville. (Thank you,  Junior League of Jacksonville, JMB Neighborhood Groups- even the local forum on the What...
June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month- as are most months, in our house. I've been a Vegetarian for the majority of my life; beginning Thanksgiving Day the year I turned 13. The last meat I ate was chicken in the...
I walked into the gym and all I saw were barbells with massive weight plates attached. I quickly scanned the room looking for lighter weights because there was no way I was lifting one of the heavier options. To...
Our story began like many others. After an uneventful pregnancy and relatively easy labor, I gave birth to a healthy 8 lb. 9 oz. boy on May 20, 2011. Our sweet Ryder progressed as all the charts said he...
Over the last 100 years, immunizations have become one of modern medicine’s greatest success stories. With the introduction of vaccines in the twentieth century that provided protection against some of the most common and deadly childhood illness like measles and mumps, polio, and smallpox, the last several generations of parents in the United...
When Paul and I had our oldest daughter we lived in North Miami. Instead of searching for a newborn photographer I simply asked our wedding photographer if she did newborn sessions. Luckily she did and that was that. When we...
As childbirth educators, one thing we've realized is that expectant couples eagerly preparing for the birth of a baby have a lot on their minds! They take classes to prepare for labor, breastfeeding classes, and even classes to learn...
In 2009, right before I had my son, I was gifted a ginormously long blue piece of fabric and was told it would be a lifesaver. I unrolled it and quickly rolled it back up. It was at least...
Childbirth. Such a simple concept right? Baby in... baby out. Like most other important life events, there are many decisions to be made along the way. Not only are you planning the biggest DIY project you will ever do,...
You know me. The one that drives up to the pool in my minivan followed by another mom in a minivan and one in an SUV. I have a pretty good network of mommy friends. I am there at drop-off and pickup...
You know me. I’m the one unloading her kids from the car at the park just as you are pulling away to go home for dinner. Being a working mom feels so lonely sometimes.

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