I had already done the "kiddie countdown" with sparkling water and cheap party hats at around 9 p.m. and was snuggled under a blanket in my holiday pajamas with a glass of Prosecco, dangerously close to putting 2016 to bed, when it...
I don’t spend a lot of time (or money) on my makeup — honestly, maybe 5–10 minutes tops and that includes washing my face. I do work full-time, and when I was going into the office every day, I...
Today I am sharing 5 tips that have helped me stay organized recently in the hopes that we can all share what works for us and what doesn't work out at all. I have made just ONE goal for myself...
A few weeks before she started kindergarten, my 5-year-old started asking for a “real-life Barbie DreamCamper Trip.” Because this year has been a total train wreck and we all needed a little bit of fun, I happily obliged. I...
After the 2020–2021 school year, how can you help children love to learn again? We all know how hard last school year was, but it’s time for a new chapter and a fresh start. How can you help your...
I absolutely loved the staff at my daughter's elementary school. As her fifth-grade year was coming to an end, faculty rallied around offering tons is advice before middle school. One of the things that were said that stuck with...
When I was a child, the internet did not exist. My baby photos, school projects, and family vacations were not available for public consumption. And this was a good thing for me. I sometimes did not fit in and...
I'm back. Remember me and me? It's that time — another body positivity Ted Talk. It's bathing suit season in Florida. And no matter who you are or what size you are, bathing suits bring up a mix of emotions. The other...
I already knew before writing this blog that I am not alone in the constant struggle to get my kids to wear warm clothing when it’s literally freezing out! But, please for the love of pearl, can someone explain...

Let Them Help!

Today’s moms are so busy that we clean the house, do the laundry, and cook dinner in a crazy frenzy. My kids often follow me around saying “Can I help, let me help!” There are certain tasks that do...
Seeing your child fussing, suffering from chills, or having an overall tough time with a fever can be heartbreaking for a parent. It's easy for the panic to set in as you run through any and all options that...
  Social media has become a breeding ground for negativity, and it's often the first place people announce tragic news. Let’s be honest, some days you just want to decompress. I love a funny cat meme, pictures of my friends'...

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