"Don't be afraid to break the rules. Just do it well." It's a simple motto I keep on my computer screen as a reminder that sometimes breaking a few rules is good for the soul. This works well in my...
If there's one thing I've learned about having young children, it's that they are completely unpredictable. Trying to determine whether or not they will be happy or miserable in any situation is like playing the slots. But our goal...

Never Say Never!

Have you ever looked at a mom who has kids older than your own and thought “I will never do that” or “I will never say that"? I was one of those moms when my baby was too small...
If I had a dollar for every time a parent of young kids asked me what it's like to parent teenagers, I'd be rich. The questions range from mildly curious to positively terrified. "Are they always moody?" "Do they stop wanting...
A few months ago, my mom gave me an article she had cut out of the paper. It was about a program that screened pre-school aged children for reading readiness. I was fascinated, and made an appointment to have...
He was beaming from ear to ear, running towards me with outstretched arms. I kneeled down, arms open, ready for the pounce-hug that had become our school pick up routine. All of a sudden he stumbled, falling to his...
When Thanksgiving rolls around, I find myself reflecting more intensely on my blessings, critically assessing my level of service to others, and evaluating how I can do a better job of instilling a spirit of gratitude in my children....
I was going to write a post about alternative milks and although that sounds like a mind-blowing topic, I had an incident happen last Saturday night that made me wonder what other parents would have done in my situation. My...
Just over a week ago, we watched as frightened teens ran for their lives out of a South Florida high school. A school. A place where we send our kids for the day in hopes that they return when...
When you are expecting your first child everyone has endless amounts of advice for you. Some advice is all rainbows and sunshine, and some--more practical. One piece of advice (or warning, rather) I never got was a heads up about the...
Co-sleeping is like the boyfriend I just cannot break up with. I try to leave him, but after about a month he’s back. I make excuses for him and have stopped telling my friends we’re back together. Like many moms,...
Recently, we were playing at a park we'd never been to across town. My three year old, LC, was happily climbing on the playground, and my almost two year old, Liam, was ambling around picking up leaves. I was...

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