After having a baby, the last person a new mom makes time for is herself. However, in the weeks following the birth, it is very important for mothers to care for themselves so they can take care of their...
As Florida residents we have lots of perks that make Disney more enjoyable (and affordable)! Here are six tips for taking on Disney as a Florida resident.
Leaping leprechauns — it's that time of year again! March is here, and the leprechauns are roaming free. It is your responsibility as a parent to help your child properly trap those little green rascals. Now you may be...
For parents, how to educate their children is one of the most nerve-wracking decisions they will make. There are so many choices, it can make your head spin: public school, private school, homeschool! How do you know which one...
Take a deep breath. Camping with a toddler is not as stressful as you may think it would be. With summer coming up in a couple of months, this is the best time to start planning for your trip....
We LOVE to SURF! Check out our list of places to surf, paddle board, and take surf lessons down the Nort Florida Coast!
In the last few weeks, my son has started having night terrors. He’s 6 years old and has always been a restless sleeper (grinding teeth, tossing and turning, etc.). But, never has he woken up from a sound sleep,...
I held on too tight. When my kids needed to fly, I snipped their wings and pulled them back into the nest. Not because they weren’t ready, but because I wasn’t ready. I then turned around and let them...
No matter whether you need a sitter for work, play or just to get things done — it's a fact of life with kids — everyone needs a go-to babysitter, plus a few in their back pocket! Our family...
When a mother imagines her child’s birth, she envisions pushing, sweating, laboring and finally having her newborn placed on her chest. Cesarean sections are rarely part of that dream and leave many mothers feeling as if they missed out...
So many things about the devastating news out of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School upset me: a mass shooting in a school, the senseless loss of lives, parents dealing with the unthinkable. As a mother of two teens, I...
“I only stepped away for just a few seconds…” It's the beginning of every parenting disaster story. Busy is an understatement when describing the life of a mother, and sometimes you feel as if two eyes is not enough...

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