Over the last 100 years, immunizations have become one of modern medicine’s greatest success stories. With the introduction of vaccines in the twentieth century that provided protection against some of the most common and deadly childhood illness like measles and mumps, polio, and smallpox, the last several generations of parents in the United...
When I became a mom I had the overwhelming need to get out and connect with other moms, but Jacksonville seemed so big and intimidating to me. I had no idea where to start, so I would stake out...
The Newborn Intensive Care Unit. There are so many things I can tell you about the NICU. I guess I should start by saying it is the most overwhelming place a new mom can be. Your first question after...
When you think of prematurity, what do think of? More than likely, you might picture a baby born a few days early. Perhaps a few weeks early. Rarely do you hear about babies being born months early, but it...
When we lived in Europe, every Daycare (Crèche) I saw had an on-site kitchen. The kitchen had two proposes. Primarily it was to make food for the children. I remember walking into our son’s crèche and smelling leeks sautéing...
One of the first things out of the mouths of most well-meaning people (usually old ladies in the Publix checkout line) when they discover my daughter is adopted is, “Oh, what a gift!” Cue automatic cringe. Ask any member...
Time is funny. It's slow when you want it to go by fast, and fast when you want it to be slow. Many of us may have recently had more time to "slow down" physically, but mentally, life has...
Ninety percent of a child's brain develops by age 5. Although the brain continues to develop into adulthood, the early years build a foundation for future learning. A child's experience with other people and other environments is critical at...
The start of the school year is quickly approaching, and teachers are getting ready to stock their classrooms! Teachers spend around $1,000 (out of their own pockets) just to prepare for the school year. This is a huge expense,...
It's a tough conversation to have. If your daughter has questions about her menstrual cycle, glance over this kid-friendly Q&A recommended by Dr. Jade Pizarro, a gynecologist at Orange Park Medical Center and mom to two young girls, to...
I’m sure you’ve heard it before: a 2-year-old being called a “flirt” because he plays with his female classmates. A 5-year-old’s friend at school being referred to as her “boyfriend” by her parents because they’ve become buds. A dad...
We could have gone in many different directions for the content of this post with a title like that, but let's keep it clean, folks. I'm here today to talk about the importance of actually playing with toys. You...

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