Brought to you by Celebration Church Celebration Kids, or Ckids, is the children’s ministry at Celebration Church that reaches children from nursery through elementary school. The mission of Celebration Church is to lead people to experience a God-first life, and...
I was going to write a post about alternative milks and although that sounds like a mind-blowing topic, I had an incident happen last Saturday night that made me wonder what other parents would have done in my situation. My...
Halloween is right around the corner and that means it’s time for a few Halloween themed crafts for the kids. Here are a few of my favorite EASY crafts that can be made mostly with stuff from around the...
Babywearing is big these days. From the moms I see at the grocery store, to celebrities toting around their little ones, it seems like everyone loves wearing their babies. Recently I sat down with Monica, Co-Founder of Bay &...
If you have a couple of toddlers at home during the day, there’s no doubt you have a disarray of toys, books, or maybe the odd runaway sock or shoe around the house along with blankie. Sound familiar? Rather than...
Yes, it's that time of year. A time when we are supposed to spend time with family, build gingerbread houses, and deck the halls. How did it get so busy? The shopping, the elfing, the baking, the card mailing,...
It's hard to make friends with two-day-old spit up all over your four-day-old t-shirt. It's hard to make friends when your toddler has let you sleep approximately three hours in last three years, forcing you to spend the last three...
Co-sleeping is like the boyfriend I just cannot break up with. I try to leave him, but after about a month he’s back. I make excuses for him and have stopped telling my friends we’re back together. Like many moms,...
Recently, we were playing at a park we'd never been to across town. My three year old, LC, was happily climbing on the playground, and my almost two year old, Liam, was ambling around picking up leaves. I was...
I think I downloaded my first toddler app during a major meltdown at a restaurant...or was it the grocery store? I'm not totally sure, since my first 15 months with Kingsley remains something of a blur--but as I discovered,...
I want to be like Virginia Dill when I grow up — that’s what I thought to myself as I recently left the Jacksonville School of the Arts.  As I walked into the beautiful facility, I heard a group of...
As a self-professed baby gear enthusiast, I absolutely love shopping around town for the best products for my children, and it's even more fun around the holidays. It's without a doubt that I recommend Bay & Bee to everyone...

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