For many of us, losing weight or getting back in shape is on the list of New Year resolutions.  Even if you don't buy-in to resolutions, you have to admit that there is something about a new year that...
Can you believe 2017 is almost here? (Scary how fast this year went.) A new year to make goals and promises for you and your family is just around the corner. Do you have any in mind yet? One goal...
My kids are vegans. Yup, I said it. My kids do not eat any type of animal products. Have they always been this way? Heck no! This lifestyle has only been ours since May 2017. You see, my son...
It’s official! Teal is the new orange this Halloween. Have you spotted all the beautiful teal pumpkins around town? These guys are not just a trend — they are a trend with a purpose. The Teal Pumpkin Project is...
Pumpkin spice lattes and holiday-flavored pastries — these seem to be the "hot" trendy treats of the season with all the buzz lately. And while I do indulge in the hype of these seasonal treats from time to time,...
Bananas always make an appearance on my weekly grocery list. It doesn’t matter if there is a stash of bananas sitting on the kitchen counter at home, it’s just the one item that you can’t leave the grocery store...
Let me preface this by saying my family loves Peter Rabbit. The books, the cartoons, the little stuffed plushes. He is mischievous, quirky, and loves a garden as much as we do. The antics of that little bunny are delightful...
Jacksonville Moms Blog is thrilled to bring you our 3rd Annual Family Foodie Fare on Sunday, February 25 from 12:30 - 2:30 PM at Engine 15 Brewing Taproom and Biergarten Downtown in partnership with Jacksonville Magazine. We will have some...
Grocery shopping can be a struggle when you have children that are picky eaters, especially if you feel like you are spending money on food that may go to waste. Like many kids, my children will choose food based...
I sometimes daydream about a life without food allergies. Unfortunately, that life is not my reality. I have severe nut (peanuts AND tree nuts) allergies. My family discovered I was allergic to nuts shortly after my mom made a...
Grocery shopping can be overwhelming and time consuming, especially if your kids come with you to the store. It’s actually one of the tasks I dread doing since becoming a mom, as it often feels more like a field trip that...
Is it just me, or do certain foods simply evoke overwhelming nostalgia? My emotional connection with bites, smells, and sips can transport me into a moment with family members from decades ago. I appreciate this more now that I’m...

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