I walked into the gym and all I saw were barbells with massive weight plates attached. I quickly scanned the room looking for lighter weights because there was no way I was lifting one of the heavier options. To...
We moved to Jacksonville from the Washington D.C. region three months ago now, and our family has made the decision for me to leave my career field for awhile to focus on taking care of our son, adjusting to...
Finally getting that positive pregnancy test result can be absolutely thrilling. Even while you're still unwrapping the second stick to test again because this can't be real, you're thinking of the seven hundred Facebook friends who need to know, like, right...
When Paul and I had our oldest daughter we lived in North Miami. Instead of searching for a newborn photographer I simply asked our wedding photographer if she did newborn sessions. Luckily she did and that was that. When we...
So 2016 is the year you've committed to working out. Congratulations on taking the first step! Now, what do you do about your kids? I'm serious. WHAT DO YOU DO? I'm sure you've thought about this, and you might even have...
Childbirth. Such a simple concept right? Baby in... baby out. Like most other important life events, there are many decisions to be made along the way. Not only are you planning the biggest DIY project you will ever do,...
It's hard to make friends with two-day-old spit up all over your four-day-old t-shirt. It's hard to make friends when your toddler has let you sleep approximately three hours in last three years, forcing you to spend the last three...
If there is ever a "battle" between moms, it's the age-old debate on bottle feeding versus breastfeeding. I'm not sure why this continues to be a "thing" for moms, but it is. After the recent story about a mom...
You know me. The one that drives up to the pool in my minivan followed by another mom in a minivan and one in an SUV. I have a pretty good network of mommy friends. I am there at drop-off and pickup...
“I feel like I’m drowning.” It was 7 a.m. on a weekday morning and my husband had just left for work. I was already sobbing on the phone to my mother who was 1,800 miles away in North Dakota. My...
Disclosure :: This guide is brought to you by our many photography sponsors! Thank you to those that participated in this guide.  As moms, we want to remember the firsts, the "big" moments and the little ones. The smiles (and tears!),...
It can seem like such a daunting task. How in the world are parents supposed to find the perfect stroller when there are so many different ones at so many different price points to choose from!? It was the...

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