Some days I felt stagnant. Dormant. Stale. I mean, I was doing my job and doing it well. But at times, I felt like I was just going through the motions. I was, and still am, a master at my craft, but something...
Amy West Wilson

Answer With Caution

If you are a stay at home/work at home mom like myself, you may find yourself in the precarious position of needing to take phone calls during the waking hours of your preschooler. This can be a dangerous and...
With four kids and a full time job, finding the time to grocery shop is something I usually have to do on the weekends, taking up precious family time, or I squeeze it into lunch hour for any cannot-do-without items....
As a full-time college student and mom of four with a full-time job, I often hear, “Damn, I don’t know how you do it all!” or “You’re really doing awesome at all of this! I could never!” Now I’ve...
If the pandemic has reinforced anything to me, it's that the world is not set up for working mothers. The New York Times recently ran an article with a headline titled, "In the Covid-19 Economy, You Can Have a...
Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher. I was the little girl who would set up her stuffed animals — or any neighborhood kids who would play along — and teach them in my pretend classroom. Of...
As a kid, when I wasn’t letting myself into our house after school, I was either at my mom’s or dad’s work. At my dad’s office (an Army helicopter hangar), I learned dirty jokes and learned about the different...
I love my job, and I have to work. Not only for myself but for our family and our future. I choose to work outside our home because it makes more financial sense, I love the people I work...
After 11 years and three babies while working you would think this question would no longer cross my mind, but it does. I did stay home with my first child until she was almost 2. Then I had a...
Did you know that in September, more than 80% of the more than one million people who had left the workforce were women? The percent of American women working is the lowest since 1988. Why? During COVID, parents, especially...
This is my first "real" summer break, and in all seriousness, I am at a loss. Daycare and my daughter's preschool were year-round, so I never had to figure out care plans for two+ months of summer. But now...
Whether you are a working mom, stay-at-home mom, mom to one or mom to 10, doing laundry is probably one of your least favorite duties. I’ll be honest that at any given time there are usually loads in both...

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