School Years

School Years In Jacksonville

As a mom, you want nothing but the best for your child, and their education is no exception. Choosing the right school for your child can be a daunting task, especially when you live in a bustling city like Jacksonville where there are a myriad of options available.

If you’re trying to navigate the ins and outs of your child’s education but do not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! From the best childcare options to public versus private schools, our incredible group of contributors have provided robust resources to help you find the best solution for you and your family!

Not only is finding the right type of school environment crucial, it’s also important to navigate the emotional support your child(ren) may need as they group through their school years.

And remember, the key to unlocking your child’s full academic potential starts at home. Make sure to take an active role in your child’s learning, and support them in reaching their academic goals. Here’s to you and your child’s education!

Holidays in a military family can be something of a Choose Your Own Adventure. Far from family and the comfort of holidays at home, you're forced to create your own traditions--sometimes with people you barely know. I'm not from a large...
  Last year, when my son was in 3rd grade, we hit a milestone familiar to most parents in Florida. It was time for him to take the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA). There’s been a lot of controversy about this standardized...
It’s almost here, the first day of school is right around the corner and since we know you’re busy getting new backpacks and lunchboxes as well as enjoying those last few days of summer, we’ve created some First Day...
Parents need to stand up and speak out to make recess mandatory in Florida elementary schools At the beginning of the school year there was something I was very concerned about. And I wasn’t alone. Almost immediately, the members of...
I would not consider myself a room mom expert, but I have had the opportunity to be a room mom for at least one of my children for the last five years, and this is what I have learned...
Somehow, I blinked and we are already over a third of the way into another school year. Our school day routines have hopefully taken root, fall sports seasons are in full swing, and the weather is finally starting to...
Let me start by saying that I am no math major. I make a living writing, and math has NEVER been my strong suit. So, when my son has second-grade math homework, I get anxious the minute he unzips...
Dear Mom Sending Your First Child to Kindergarten: I am writing to you as a mom who was in your shoes not so long ago. I want to somehow ease your anxiety about this milestone that you are about reach....
Does this sound familiar? Mom: How was your day? Kid: Fine Mom: What did you do? Kid: Nothing My son has always been a quiet kid. Sometimes getting him to talk about his day is like pulling teeth. As moms, we want to hear...
As a parent myself, I am amazed at all the different choices we now have regarding our children and their education. Public, private, charter, virtual, homeschool — whatever option you choose, there is one fact no one can refute...
What does it mean to be gifted? There’s often a misconception about the label. By definition, gifted does not mean “easy to teach.” Students who are gifted may struggle in certain areas of school and excel in others. They...
I love holidays--the food, the festivity, the fun--but I hate choosing a gift for Derek. Why would I dislike giving presents to the guy who's given me everything? Because the dude claims he wants nothing, nada, zip! EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR....

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