UPDATE: As of April 12, 2019, all models of the Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play sleeper have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Many parents everywhere, including me, stopped in their tracks when they saw the news this week...
I started my first journal when I was pregnant with my son. I had so much anxiety and anticipation of the future that I felt like I needed to write it all down. Then it slowly took on a ...
It's been seven years since I had my first baby. Needless to say, a lot has changed over the years in terms of baby products and innovation. When we went to do our registry for my now 10-week old,...
It's difficult putting into words the feelings I've had for the past 6 weeks. I had an abdominal ultrasound at 12 weeks, and the sonographer was 90% sure it was a girl! He was a girl. He had been...
Holidays in a military family can be something of a Choose Your Own Adventure. Far from family and the comfort of holidays at home, you're forced to create your own traditions--sometimes with people you barely know. I'm not from a large...
I was going to write a post about alternative milks and although that sounds like a mind-blowing topic, I had an incident happen last Saturday night that made me wonder what other parents would have done in my situation. My...
As childbirth educators, one thing we've realized is that expectant couples eagerly preparing for the birth of a baby have a lot on their minds! They take classes to prepare for labor, breastfeeding classes, and even classes to learn...
It's hard to make friends with two-day-old spit up all over your four-day-old t-shirt. It's hard to make friends when your toddler has let you sleep approximately three hours in last three years, forcing you to spend the last three...
Every December, instead of making a list of what we want to "get," my family makes a list of all the things we can "give." Our time, our money, things we've outgrown or underused — all go to others who...
Finally getting that positive pregnancy test result can be absolutely thrilling. Even while you're still unwrapping the second stick to test again because this can't be real, you're thinking of the seven hundred Facebook friends who need to know, like, right...
Before having kids, I thought the hardest part of being a new mom would be the sleepless nights. Don’t get me wrong, those are hard (thank you, coffee), but I never even considered the myriad of concerns and issues...
When 10-month-old Phillip Simmons gets to an age when he can understand, his mother Mary Hunstein has a story to tell him about the day his life was saved when he was only four weeks old. Mary was a busy...

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