Give Breast A Rest

You may be noticing a plethora of Breastfeeding related stories drowning out the usual engagement shoots and spaghetti covered babies on your social media feeds. August is National Breastfeeding Month, the first week of which is also recognized as World...
You know that mom who rises an hour before her children, gets everything prepped for the day and still has time for personal primping before her sweet angels awake at 8 AM, babbling happily until she’s ready to go...
If there is anything moms of young kids can agree on - it’s that getting out of the house is nothing short of a battle. Someone always needs to use the bathroom. And someone is always missing their shoes....
The month of October marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, a month set aside to raise awareness of loss and also to remember those babies who will be forever loved in our hearts. 25% of pregnancies do not go...
Confession: While my husband and I are expecting our first child next month, I haven't necessarily been "hashtag blessed" with oodles of excitement over our upcoming bundle of supposed joy. Don't get me wrong — at the ripe, geriatric age of...
We had to wait a long time to have our babies. Our oldest is 10 and our youngest are not quite 2-and-a-half. Through all the failed IUI and IVF cycles, lost babies, a ruptured ectopic, and grief over pursuing...
At UF Health North, expectant mothers have greater options when it comes to delivering their babies. The campus is home to the region’s newest, most advanced hospital that includes a Labor and Delivery Unit. Located in the outpatient medical...

Am I an Old Mom?

When you turn 35 you earn the new title of “Advanced Maternal Age,” which throws you instantly into a category of high-risk for complications in pregnancy. Risks like higher rates of chromosomal disorders and age-related issues like diabetes or...
Hiring that special someone to help out with the little ones or even around the house? Mary Poppins sets the bar high in the nanny universe, but hopefully with some of these helpful tips, you, too, can find your...
Two years after I married my husband, we decided it was time to start a family. We got pregnant with our son, Aiden, right away with no problem. I was one of those annoying women who “felt better pregnant...
Name that tune: "When I'm gone, When I'm gone, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Those lyrics are from Anna Kendrick's rendition of "Cups" in the movie Pitch Perfect, in which she enhances the song with a beat...
Rock-a-bye baby, mama needs sleep. We all know parenthood is an incredibly amazing, exciting and special time in our lives, but it can also be tiring, stressful and downright overwhelming. 'Will you please come home with us?' After Nurse & Nurture’s president,...

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