I Should Have Fought

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The ribbon is teal, and the goal is to raise public awareness about sexual violence. I decided to write this post. I made a questionnaire and invited anyone who had experienced sexual assault to...
Jacksonville moms – I have blogged here about gifted children in the past, and a common question that I get is “what do I ask the teacher for?” It is hard to know what kinds of differentiation work in...
I have a confession to make — I hate homework. Don’t tell my former students or my kids, although I doubt my kids would be surprised. We’ve all suffered through battles over finishing homework. After a busy day at...
That’s not FAIR! I didn’t realize when I became a mom just how many times a week I would hear those words and how much time I would spend trying to figure out what exactly is fair. I have two...
How many of you have seen Elf on the Shelf pictures already floating around on Facebook? Are you one of the moms completely obsessed with bringing the Elf to life for your kids? The Elf has become yet another...
If you haven't heard of the Elf on the Shelf, chances are you aren't a parent or your kids are too young to really get it. In fact, the only reason I know about it is due to my...
I love it when I find a product that makes my job as a parent just a tad bit easier. My grandmother, however, would likely scoff at all the "new-fangled" products marketed to parents these days. But hey, even Supermom...
“How much money did I make?” This was the question my son asked his father this weekend while working in the yard. This was the question my five-year-old son asked after only three minutes of “work” – grabbing a...
We call Isla “0 to 60” because she can go from being completely giggly one minute to a ball of tears the next. But I think that moniker is more suited for me. It’s funny how being a mom...
My child likes to talk about death. Wait, that's not right. "Like" isn’t the correct word. She is interested in death — what happened, where they were when they died, where they are now, etc. It's not surprising she has...
April is officially designated as Autism Awareness month. For a parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, every month, week, day, minute and second you are aware of autism and the effect is has on your life. My...
Whoever came up with the term "terrible two's" obviously never made it to the age of three. Yes, an energetic, just-learned-to use-the-word-NO two-year-old can seriously be exhausting. But what I am discovering is the closer we get to that third...

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