On my 39th birthday, my best friend, who also happens to be my business partner and gynecologist, showed up on my doorstep bearing a gift of bad news: I had tested positive for the BRCA 1 genetic mutation. As...
Although my sister, Kristin and I both love holidays, she has a really funny way of celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness month. On October 1, 2015, her doctors called and confirmed – yes – it was ductal carcinoma, stage 2....
“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.” –Albert Camus We all have certain family dynamics. Maybe your husband loves to kick off Memorial Day with hamburgers on the grill, or your middle child is carving...
Ovarian cancer is called the "silent killer," and for good reason: There are often very few recognizable symptoms until the cancer has become extremely advanced. The symptoms that women do get are vague, and they can easily be confused...
You see the color PINK filling up the city. You catch a quick mention about it on the news or see a Facebook post from a friend running and training for the big race. But you think, "I'm not a...
August 1, 2014 4:30pm. Your pathology results came back and you have invasive breast cancer, it’s stage 1 grade 3 and hormone receptor positive, blah blah blah…. What. What. Whaaatt?!? Cancer? I couldn’t hear anything else, my mind was racing...
In 2017, I had both of my fallopian tubes removed, in an effort to lessen my risk of getting ovarian cancer. Recent research has found that the cancer typically begins in the tubes, not the ovaries, and so removing...
Brought to you by Wolfson Children’s Hospital During the month of October, pink seems to be everywhere you look. From the pink ribbons on lapels to some fuchsia shoes on the feet of our Jacksonville Jaguars players, it is the color...
“I don’t like what I saw in the biopsy. I think you’re looking at early-stage breast cancer. I could be wrong, but I’m not usually wrong.” Two days later, my radiologist called to confirm her suspicions were true. Thus...
On February 7, 2019, I awoke with a sharp, stabbing pain in my right breast. It was a Thursday, and I happened to be in New Orleans with my oldest daughter. I called my doctor and scheduled a visit...
A year ago, I heard some fairly nerve-wracking news: “You have breast cancer.” My family and I were thrown into a world I hope to never return to. While my experience with breast cancer does not define me, it...
Ask any woman which color ribbon represents breast cancer awareness, and she will be able to tell you: Pink! And most women know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today’s savvy mom probably has a laminated sheet with a...

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