Two years after I married my husband, we decided it was time to start a family. We got pregnant with our son, Aiden, right away with no problem. I was one of those annoying women who “felt better pregnant...
I ran 13.1 miles! Who am I, and what have I done with the girl who forged more than a few notes in high school to get out of running just one single mile? If you haven't figured it out yet,...
I have had a couple of very humbling periods in my life. The latest is motherhood. As the end of 2017 neared, I reflected on the year and pondered how my thoughts of motherhood and the actual reality of...
Confession: I tend to read a lot of mommy blogs for inspiration, tips, hacks, affirmation, confirmation, etc. So, after hearing numerous mothers say it was more difficult to go from having zero to one kid, than from one to...
We mom, we wife, we love, we work, we volunteer, we cook, we clean — we give, give, GIVE. Then we squeeze out another drop of giving. Do you sometimes feel like your entire life is about everyone else?...
“You didn’t come, Mom,” she wailed. “You were the ONLY MOM who wasn’t there!” I had no idea what my 6-year-old was talking about when I picked her up that day from school, but her distress was enough to make...
We've all heard the saying "honesty is the best policy," right? Well, how far do we really need to take this age-old adage? Should we constantly voice our honest opinions to whomever, wherever? Or do we only do this...

Give Breast A Rest

You may be noticing a plethora of Breastfeeding related stories drowning out the usual engagement shoots and spaghetti covered babies on your social media feeds. August is National Breastfeeding Month, the first week of which is also recognized as World...
As moms, we can't wash our hair without a pint-sized little person banging on the shower door (and forget about shaving our legs or letting that pricey deep conditioner penetrate for anything longer than 15 seconds). We can't cook...
Growing up, I knew I wanted kids. Lots of kids. I had visions of Girl Scouts and basketball, a minivan, and filled bedrooms with halls that rang with giggles. As an adult, filling those bedrooms was a lot harder...
Lately, it seems way too often I wake up and see on the news that something horrifically tragic has happened in this world. Has it always been this way? Is this the new norm? Are people right about it...
Exhausted, I slid into my row and fastened my seat belt as the plane pushed back from the gate. I was barely paying attention to the aircraft safety features when the pilot warned me to expect some turbulence during...

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