As a vertically challenged person, it’s always been hard to find clothes that fit me well. I stand at just over 4’10”, which is considered on the extreme end of short, so I’ve always envied people who could walk...
No, not that kind of athletic supporter, silly! As a proud "soccer mom," I can confidently say that I've perfected the art of being the best sports parent — or as I like to call us, “athletic supporters.” Not...
As an adult, I was never one to look forward to lavish gifts or plans on holidays. I love it for others, but it’s just not my thing. As I have gotten more seasoned in both life, wifehood, and...
Puberty... we’ve all been there, and guess what? Eventually, our kids will be there, too. (Gasp!) I know our babies are growing quickly, and while we want to hold on to them for as long as possible, the real...
I was 5 years old the first time I called 911. I was 10 when I thought I would become an orphan at the hands of my stepfather. I was 13 when I made my first police report and...
Did you know the First Coast is home to some of the best shark tooth-hunting spots in the world? Sharks have been around for about 400 million years. When a shark dies and its cartilage dissolves, its teeth fall out,...
The past year may be on record as one of the most stressful times in your life. You and your family may have faced stressors that you did not know existed almost three years ago. When we take a...
Holiday lights, the scents of the season, family hugs, and cheers of joy... can all lead to a sensory integration nightmare for many of our kids. So instead of “grinching out” on your kids if they become irritable during the...
It is not lost on me that this title is incredibly presumptuous, particularly considering that I am a 40-year-old woman with the same hairstyle I've had since ninth grade. I've never been up on beauty trends, and I don't...
I remember exactly when it happened: The day my daughter traded in her backpack for a purse. As an asthmatic kid with food allergies, she always carried her own backpack to keep her asthma pump and epi-pen close. Right as...
I absolutely loved the staff at my daughter's elementary school. As her fifth-grade year was coming to an end, faculty rallied around offering tons is advice before middle school. One of the things that were said that stuck with...
"Dear Lord," I prayed nightly for years. "Please keep us safe, healthy, and together." Safe and healthy made perfect sense. Any new mom, particularly those like me who suffered from a large degree of postpartum depression and anxiety, would be...

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