Here at Jax Moms Blog, we're getting excited about Halloween!  It's just around the corner and many of the festivities have been underway for weeks.  Now is a great time to start capturing all of this year's sugar induced...
Although the holidays offer a special time for families and loved ones to get together, they can also be stressful — partly because people often have unrealistic expectations of their friends and family members. When a supposedly festive occasion...
Do you ever wish you could have an amazing cookie spread to showcase to family and friends without having to spend the time making dozens of different holiday cookies? Between buying all the ingredients, making the dough, baking the...
I wear glasses and I have since I was in the 3rd grade, but I’ve never really liked wearing them. By the time I was in 7th grade I had contacts and the only time you ever saw me...
Times, they are a'changin' — no more of those tiny Box Tops for Education getting lost in the nooks and crannies of your car and kitchen drawers! That's right, these cardboard babies are getting a much-needed digital upgrade. Box Tops...
They are so cute, small and bright. Little sponges starting to make their mark in the educational world. Are you ready? Ready for Kindergarten? It’s time to start planning for it. I know, it’s hard to swallow and we still...
For my son’s first Christmas Santa brought him a sand & water table. Little did I know, that Santa guy is a genius. Rarely a week goes by when the sand & water table doesn’t get used. Obviously, water...
With Halloween just around the corner, you can smell the sweets in the air. I’m sure your kids are already practicing their “trick or treats” in hopes of getting something good to eat. I know my daughter, Avery, is!...
Upon reading the news of Carrie Fisher’s untimely death, I scoured my photos looking for the picture. I remember taking it and loving it, but I never remembered really getting a chance to study it. When I found it...
Being a mom boss, in the throes of running a business or handling business often leaves little time to keep up with ever-evolving seasonal fashion trends. Don’t fret… full days of diaper changes, soccer games or balancing everything from play...
Seeing your child fussing, suffering from chills, or having an overall tough time with a fever can be heartbreaking for a parent. It's easy for the panic to set in as you run through any and all options that...
Social distancing is at an all-time high in 2020, but the reality is, we started "social distancing" years ago. Text messaging is the most prevalent form of communication for Americans under the age of 50, but I just can't...

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