When I was a child, the internet did not exist. My baby photos, school projects, and family vacations were not available for public consumption. And this was a good thing for me. I sometimes did not fit in and...
Being a mama ain’t easy. Life is just plain busy for everyone I know. After dealing with morning drop-offs, meltdowns, bickering, mealtimes, laundry, naps (or nap refusal), and afternoon pickups, we often just want a mental escape. Sometimes, the...
As we wrap up the craziness that has been 2023, we continue to be amazed and humbled at how much Jacksonville Mom has grown and evolved over the years. But most of all, we are so very thankful to...
When I was a graduate student looking for a job — with a 5-year-old and newborn — to no avail, I began to seek out mentors. Because surely there’s a mama out there who has had to juggle school,...
My twins were starting middle school at a school across town, many more miles away than what we had grown accustomed to in elementary. Our new middle school would mean longer rides home, mostly on a bus, even transferring...
  Social media has become a breeding ground for negativity, and it's often the first place people announce tragic news. Let’s be honest, some days you just want to decompress. I love a funny cat meme, pictures of my friends'...
I will never forget the moment when my 3-year old daughter Audrey said to me, "Mommy, put your phone down!!" And this was after I already said I would do whatever she had requested in 5 MORE minutes. It...
If you’re like me, I use an emoji in almost every text I send. Emojis are the perfect way to describe how I’m feeling... without actually saying it. The word emoji comes from a Japanese term that translates to "image...
In a world where it feels like every thought or action gets posted to Instagram stories, where Christmas cards have gone virtual, where entire museums exist for Facebook selfies, a new trend seems to be rising from this pandemic. We've...
"Dear Lord," I prayed nightly for years. "Please keep us safe, healthy, and together." Safe and healthy made perfect sense. Any new mom, particularly those like me who suffered from a large degree of postpartum depression and anxiety, would be...
While most of us (and our kiddos!) are getting ready for Halloween this weekend, buying costumes and organizing socially-distant activities, the last week in October also marks 5 Days of Action this year. Every year, youth-serving organizations such as the YMCA...
There is no denying that the beginning of this school year is like nothing we have ever experienced. Typically, this time of year is chock-full of fun traditions and not-so-fun getting back to routines. This is when we shop...

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