Trick-or-Treating In & Around Jacksonville

Fall & Halloween Events In & Around JacksonvilleAhhh. We can just picture it now. Our adorable little humans dressed up in their finest costumes, running around gathering all the candy that they can possibly imagine while uttering that tale as old as time phrase: “Trick or Treat!” But, wait! This is Northeast Florida after all, and some things might be a little different in our neck of the woods for trick or treating in Jacksonville.

For starters, the weather (Temps will average somewhere in the low 80s!) here does and will always dictate the type of costumes we choose. There, I said it. You’re not getting these Floridian mamas to cave on any requests for full-body type get-ups whatsoever! However, one thing we do support is a timeless and creative family costume. Whatever you choose, just be sure to have those costumes ready for your trick-or-treating outing as soon as the sun sets on Halloween day, as that’s when the party starts here in Jacksonville.

Halloween Treats

Planning on handing out treats instead of walking the neighborhood? Please consider having a non-edible treat option for those little darlings who are 1 in 13 children who live with a food allergy. All you have to do is display a teal pumpkin on your front porch that tells all food allergy heroes that you have a safe option available to make all of their trick-or-treating dreams come true. It will truly make their night!

Trick(and Trunk)-or-Treating

Traditional neighborhood trick-or-treating have you a little worried? Maybe your candy-grabbing accomplices have legs too little to make it past the first few houses. Enter the ever-popular trend of Trunk-or-Treating. Basically, a group of parents gathers together (usually in a school or church parking lot) to decorate their trunks with all things Halloween and then kids are encouraged to wander from trunk to trunk collecting their treats! Easy peasy. Bonus points when you don’t have to worry about your kiddos sputtering out after only a few stops.

After all that hustle, most times we end up with way more sugary treats than we parents want (or need) lingering around the house. Great news! There are actually businesses that will take that overhaul of sweets off of your hands and put it towards an awesome cause. During this great candy buyback, kids will receive anywhere from gifts, to discounts to cashback for their goods. It’s a win-win!

Just a few reminders for enjoying this holiday safely:

  1. Be mindful when choosing costumes in regards to color. Lighter is better for visibility. No matter the color of the costume, please be sure to have your little one wear some type of light on their body, like a flashlight or glow stick jewelry.
  2. Always trick-or-treat in groups! It’s easier to be seen by drivers and also safer when visiting unknown areas.
  3. Only visit homes with a light on. Darkened windows = no visitors allowed!
  4. Inspect all candy before consuming. This is easiest to do when you are home and under sufficient lighting. Pro tip: bring a small stash of snacks or treats in your own bag for when your little monsters are begging for something to eat. That way you know that it’s safe because it came from your home.
  5. Last, but certainly not least, HAVE FUN! As we all know, these years are fleeting and there are only so many we get to enjoy together before these tiny humans are the same size as us and no longer want to hang with us on All Hallows Eve.

Fall & Halloween Events In & Around Jacksonville

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Looking for more Fall and Halloween events? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Fall and Halloween here!

Fall & Halloween Events In & Around Jacksonville

Chantel Beidleman
Born and raised in the Aloha state and a traveling gypsy at heart, Chantel Beidleman left the nest fresh out of high school and headed off for college in sunny Southern California. Almost a decade later, she met and fell madly in love with her hubby, who whisked her off to the great Midwest. After five brutal winters in Nebraska, Chantel realized that home will always be where the ocean is (and the snow isn’t), so off to Jacksonville they went, where this Hawaiian girl now spends her days as a stay-at-home wrangler to her two baby bears. Before becoming a household CEO, she joyfully spent her time as the Program Assistant Director of a preschool. Digging deep into wellness and health is her jam, and spontaneous dance parties with her kiddos are what sing to her soul. Chantel is wildly passionate about advocating for her son, who lives with multiple severe food allergies. You can find her out and about daily as she is a self-proclaimed busybody who loves hitting the beach or exploring new spots in town while homeschooling her kiddos. If you ever see this fast-paced mama on the go, say hi because she is always up for meeting new people and making new friends!


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