“Life isn't fair.” “Being a kid is easy. Wait until you have to deal with adult things.” I would imagine if you walked into any household across America, you’d hear parents uttering one or both of the above statements to the frustrated...
Giving birth and the oftentimes stressful period of postpartum afterward doesn't have to be filled with uncertainty, anxiety and sheer terror — especially for first-time moms. Enter the birth specialists at Jacksonville's mumda: A group of trained women whose...
Don't publicly shame me. Don't use Harry Potter's wizardry against my family, and don't tell me that I'm depriving my sons from the iconic It's a Small World ride. Our family is just not super into Disney World. When our now 4-year-old son Landon...
I wouldn't say I am a helicopter mom. I wouldn't describe myself as free-range parent either. I am a hybrid mother, and on my best days, I think I've got the hang of it. I protect when I need...
Co-sleeping is like the boyfriend I just cannot break up with. I try to leave him, but after about a month he’s back. I make excuses for him and have stopped telling my friends we’re back together. Like many moms,...
My child likes to talk about death. Wait, that's not right. "Like" isn’t the correct word. She is interested in death — what happened, where they were when they died, where they are now, etc. It's not surprising she has...
I was  recently  walking through Trader Joe’s with my 6-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son when I had a “moment.” You know what I’m talking about... the “moment” when you question your sanity for becoming a parent. You question the sleepless nights, the...
Confession: While my husband and I are expecting our first child next month, I haven't necessarily been "hashtag blessed" with oodles of excitement over our upcoming bundle of supposed joy. Don't get me wrong — at the ripe, geriatric age of...
The day we brought our daughter home from the hospital, there was a moment in the late hours of the night where the importance of it all sunk in. As I looked at her through sleepy, love-filled eyes, I...
Medications are the leading cause of poisoning in children. Follow this prescription to keep your kids safe. Open mouth, insert object. As every parent knows, small children are really good at putting things in their mouths. That instinct can be a...
The big news is officially out: My husband and I are expecting our fifth baby. Yep, you read that right — we're having baby number five. In today's world, that makes us a bit of an anomaly. Most people...
Math can be frustrating for many children, something my son is experiencing this school year. He's never struggled with math before, but as a 3rd grader, he's more intimidated with the new concepts he's learning. He doesn’t always find the...

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