Is it just me, or does it seem like Christmas just ended? Here we are, already preparing for Valentine’s Day. The days have been unusually cold and drab (especially for Florida), but this little Valentine's Day project is exactly...
Grocery shopping can be a struggle when you have children that are picky eaters, especially if you feel like you are spending money on food that may go to waste. Like many kids, my children will choose food based...
A couple weeks ago my mom had an accident while traveling back to Jacksonville. She tripped over my bag outside the Nashville airport and ended up breaking her knee cap and her big toe! Because she is now in...
Bananas always make an appearance on my weekly grocery list. It doesn’t matter if there is a stash of bananas sitting on the kitchen counter at home, it’s just the one item that you can’t leave the grocery store...
  It’s a common scenario played out at dinner tables everywhere – a family sits down to a shared meal when a picky eater threatens to ruin that unifying experience that so many parents look forward at least once a...
My kids are vegans. Yup, I said it. My kids do not eat any type of animal products. Have they always been this way? Heck no! This lifestyle has only been ours since May 2017. You see, my son...
As we grow older, there are some things we know we can expect. Wrinkles, gray hairs, and being, as Toby put it best, "ain’t as good as I once was." However, one thing I never accounted for was developing food...
Did you hear that? Finally, the lunch bell. I am starving. I wonder what is packed in my lunch box? You can hear it now, the thoughts that may go on in your child’s brain waiting to sit...
It can be hard to plan a big romantic Valentine’s Day when you have kids, but deep down we all still want to find a way celebrate! Why not skip the stress of finding a babysitter and restaurant reservation,...
  Getting kids to eat healthy food can be a struggle. My youngest turns his nose up at almost any variety of vegetable. He’ll eat an occasional piece of fruit, but that’s where he puts his foot down. Many of...
One of the greatest adjustments from couple-hood to parenthood hands down has to be dining out. When two becomes three (and more), logistics and timing become even trickier than just picking up and heading out the door for a...
For the past two weeks, my husband has been out of town for work. Solo parenting... the struggle is real. Almost every single night my sweet children would look up at me, right around 5:00, and ask 'What's for...

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