Planning on ringing in the new year at home with the kids? Me too. You're never too young to enjoy a good party! And what a great way to teach your kids about goals and resolutions. This may be...
It's one of the best things leading up to the Holidays, right!? Checking the mail each day wondering whose cards you'll receive next. I love seeing what everyone has been up to throughout the year (even if they are...
It's almost here, Winter Break! We'll have the kids home for 2-3 weeks and those dreaded words are inevitable, "Mommmmmy, I'm Bored!!!" Not what you want to here in the midst of the bazillion things you are trying to...
If you are like me, you leave the crafting responsibilities to the teachers. I'm not saying I don't like to craft, I'm saying I pretty much stink at it. But the kids loooove to craft. So I try. I...
Heard of Etsy? If you haven't gone to the bathroom in a while I suggest you do because you may just pee your pants with excitement! Well, just go anyway because once you start browsing on Etsy you could...
If there is one thing I am not, it is crafty. Even just the word crafty gives me a bit of anxiety. A trip to Michael's requires a cocktail and a translator. And don't even ask me what that...
Spring is here! And before you know it you'll be scrambling to fill your child's Easter baskets with goodies. Don't wait until the last minute! Instead of picking up those candy items in the checkout line or heading to...
If you’re like me, Pinterest is not a source of crafty ideas and fun activities to do with your kids. It’s a constant reminder that you are not crafty and that you’ll never have the time or creativity to...
I just LOVE a party!  Well, who doesn't!? But over the past few years I have found an obsession of sorts with perusing party blogs and pinterest checking out all the creative things people have come up with in...
Every mom dreams of being like Martha Stewart right? We want each holiday to be a perfect memory for our children. We see all of the great craft ideas and think, "I can totally do that!" This month's cover...
I think most moms have pretty modest aspirations when it comes to Halloween. We just want our kids to sport the most adorable and/or creative costumes ever conceived without spending a lot of time or money. No big deal....
EEEEEKKKKK!!!! How is it possible we are already approaching the end of October!? This month has flown and Halloween is just 12 days away!!!! Halloween is by far my favorite holiday of the year (though you will come to find...

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