For the past few months, Jacksonville Moms Blog has been bringing you information on Florida Prepaid College Savings Plans, which gives parents the opportunity to invest in their child's future through a variety of secure options and payment plans....
Who doesn't love to save a dollar (or $800) on a super cute house bed? I know that I can't be the only mom who finds pictures of decorative items that are way overpriced and has this Pinterest dream...
Time is funny. It's slow when you want it to go by fast, and fast when you want it to be slow. Many of us may have recently had more time to "slow down" physically, but mentally, life has...
Date Night Finances

The New Date Night

A couple of weeks ago, I traveled with my family to Chicago for a continuing education conference. Our schedule went something like this: I get up early, learn fun new tax and accounting information in the morning, attempt nap...

What’s in Your Wallet?

Are you a military spouse like me? If so you have a very important card in your wallet that can save you lots of money - your military ID! Every time you checkout whether it be at a restaurant,...
I love holidays--the food, the festivity, the fun--but I hate choosing a gift for Derek. Why would I dislike giving presents to the guy who's given me everything? Because the dude claims he wants nothing, nada, zip! EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR....
As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. That is especially true at thrift stores where bargain shopping is endless, and sometimes you can find amazing deals and hidden gems on things at a fraction of...
Oh, 2020, you have truly gone by so fast, and yet often this year has felt like we were in slow motion. We slowed down, our kids still grew up. They played outside more and were challenged in ways...
After I left my engineering job in 2009 to stay at home full time with my first born, our family income was reduced to nearly half of its previous state. Although we were prepared (on paper) for this change,...
If there is one thing I've taken away from TLC's 19 Kids and Counting largest family, The Duggers, it's "Buy Used, Save the Difference." When my first baby came along he could have nothing but the best. His brand spanking new garments...
Now that school has begun, and we have gotten back in the swing of our morning routine, I thought I would share some tips and ideas for packing school lunches that are fun and appealing to kids! My daughter...
Every parent worries about their child's future, and in today's world, a college education is a key component of success. But college tuition is more expensive than ever before, and the idea of saving for college can seem daunting....

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