We have the scoop on the area's best ways to celebrate fall — from pumpkin patches and Trick-or-Treating to Jacksonville festivals, Halloween, and fall fun!
Halloween in Florida is a little different from the experiences that I had growing up in New Jersey as a child. I fondly remember the cranberry picking, double-layered costumes and the best possible weather for bundled hayrides. Despite warmer...
I had never carved a jack-o’-lantern, ever, until my oldest child was almost 5. Growing up, my mother had always led the charge to carve our pumpkin. It was the one thing about Halloween she enjoyed, and she’d soak and...
It's finally fall, y'all! Time for cooler weather, flannel shirts, those jeans we've been waiting all year to wear, cute little booties, apple cider, corn mazes, spooky events, and pumpkin everything. Yay! READ: Jacksonville's Guide to Halloween and Fall Festivals Oh,...
Halloween has become one of the most exciting nights of the year for young families. Candy, costumes, and neighborhood haunted houses stir excitement for all, but don’t let your guard down when you take your kids out trick or...
It’s fall, y’all, which means all the fun fall family activities are upon us — from pumpkin patches to corn mazes and everything in between! A family favorite of ours is Amazing Grace Family Farms, located in Green Cove...
  It's that time of year! Halloween is upon us, which equals lots of fun, spooky events, creative costumes, and — everyone's favorite — candy! But while one of the greatest Halloween traditions of all time is the mom-raiding of...
You all know the drill, we change our clocks back in the fall and everyone rejoices over the "extra" hour, but I'm here to tell you, as a parent with young children, there is no "extra" hour for you!!...
As soon as Halloween ends, the grumbling about poor overlooked Thanksgiving begins. What about Thanksgiving? Why are Christmas decorations out so soon? I can see why people get so worked up over skipping one holiday in favor of another,...
It’s officially fall, and that means — despite the warmer temps here in Florida — we’ve started to don our scarves and boots for a fam-jam trip to the pumpkin patch! We’ve likely spent hours chasing kids hopped up...
It seems like every year the pumpkin spice craze starts earlier and earlier. Usually, it starts with one brand promoting their newest pumpkin spice item for the fall, and then the rest soon follow, making it a trending phenomenon....
Ahhh. We can just picture it now. Our adorable little humans dressed up in their finest costumes, running around gathering all the candy that they can possibly imagine while uttering that tale as old as time phrase: "Trick or...

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