Not too long ago, while I was volunteering at my son’s school, a fellow volunteer called me Dory. Dory, as in the little blue fish who originated in the animated classic, Finding Nemo. It was, in part, due to...
You’re tired and you feel like you’re going to cry if anyone makes eye contact with you. Which will be super awkward since you’re sitting at the desk of a new job, surrounded by new people who are probably...
Until recently, I considered the word “clique” as mean and unfriendly. It’s typically used in a derogatory way to describe a group of people, said with an eye roll, click of the tongue, or both, simultaneously. I’m in a...
“I don’t care who you choose to love, just make sure they are not a jerk.” This is something I have said to my kids for as long as they have walked this earth. They have also always heard me...
I'm notorious for dodging Susie at carpool. I don't actually know a "Susie," however, I think we all know the one mom or group of moms who just so happen to have the 411 on everyone. In their most...
Mom dating. It can be rough out there. Since becoming a mom and having my whole world, schedule, activities and mental health flipped upside down, I've been on a fierce hunt for mom friends. But it's a tricky endeavor....
What could be better than your child finding a best friend? Here's a thought: Realizing you like the mom just as much as the kids like each other. Jackpot! It's not before long that playdates become standing appointments, text messages...
When your child plays competitive sports, you spend a lot of time at the fields. My 11-year-old has soccer several nights a week, and one or two games on the weekend. We spend countless hours a week with our...
Being a mama ain’t easy. Life is just plain busy for everyone I know. After dealing with morning drop-offs, meltdowns, bickering, mealtimes, laundry, naps (or nap refusal), and afternoon pickups, we often just want a mental escape. Sometimes, the...
I haven't always considered myself to be a feminist. Maybe it was my conservative upbringing or certain negative connotations that can be associated with the word "feminist." Maybe it was my laziness or lack of desire to get involved....
If you told me last year that in 2020 I’d be referring to myself as “socially distant” and declining playdate invitations, there’s no way I would have believed you. I’m what you’d call an extreme extrovert — being social...
There were years in my life that I had a countdown to when I was out of my parent’s home. I wanted the freedom of adulthood with, seemingly, no rules and all the fun. I couldn’t imagine a time...

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