Into the phone booth: mom self. Out of the phone booth: work self. Actually, with these days of social distancing, remote working, and homeschooling, it's really more like into the pantry/lock self in bathroom/hide in the closet — and...
Are you a work-at-home mom? You're in good company! Whether your kiddos aren't in school yet or they are, and it's spring break or summertime, you know the struggle all too well of trying to bring in cash while...
Nobody planned on this. But here we are, all trying to make the best of it between Zoom playdates, extra snacks, backyard tents, and many, many movies. #allinthistogether, right? Actually not. I'm talking to you, employer, who isn't being flexible. And...
If you had asked me two years ago if I wanted another kid, I would have told you what I still tell everyone, my husband and I are candidates for ONE child. Yet here we are. New mom of...
A few months after my first daughter was born my husband stunned me when he brought up the idea that we needed to begin paying for her college. “What?” I slurred as I looked up at him from a...
I was working full-time in marketing when I became pregnant with twins. It was our first experience as a family having to navigate the world of paid childcare. After a lot of research, interviews and extensive mom guilt, we...
I love my job, and I have to work. Not only for myself but for our family and our future. I choose to work outside our home because it makes more financial sense, I love the people I work...
I have an 8-year-old and a 1-year-old. Needless to say, they need to be in different places at different times between school, nap, camp, soccer, nap, etc. Because cloning myself is not an option, and because I work full-time...
I don't mean to brag, but people tend to react in shock when they find out the details of my life. I'm a mom to six kids, and I work from home as a freelance writer and editor. One...
I didn't make thousands of dollars today. There was no giant merger I facilitated, no multimillion dollar trial that I won. I wasn't on TV tonight and won't be in the newspaper tomorrow. I didn't share a picture on...
Recently I saw through different professional networking and social media accounts some of my old friends, who are also mothers and amazing at their jobs, had received a promotion or exciting job change. As I typed "Congratulations!" on their...
Ah, the fourth Thursday of every April, good ol' Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Growing up I always looked forward to this day. It was about two weeks after my birthday, which perpetuated my selfish, child-brained...

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