Until I had my premature baby spend a week in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), I had no idea what it was like. Having your minutes-old baby snatched off your chest and rushed to the NICU because he...
I've realized, after eight years and four kids, I'm not the same mom I once was. I've been the mom to an only child--a sweet, well behaved little girl. I've been the mom of a great big sister and...
As a follow up to my post last week about Easy DIY Valentines for students, I'd also like to share a few simple ideas for teachers. They have the important role of educating our little ones during their most...
It was January of 2012 when I discovered that my son Wyatt had Down syndrome. Prenatal screenings had revealed a higher risk – one in six, to be exact – and I had decided to go ahead with the...
Here’s a fact that might surprise you: the stronger your child’s reading skills are today, the more likely she is to be a healthy adult. It’s true. In fact, strong reading skills are tied to several factors that add up...
After having a baby, the last person a new mom makes time for is herself. However, in the weeks following the birth, it is very important for mothers to care for themselves so they can take care of their...
When 10-month-old Phillip Simmons gets to an age when he can understand, his mother Mary Hunstein has a story to tell him about the day his life was saved when he was only four weeks old. Mary was a busy...
As a self-professed baby gear enthusiast, I absolutely love shopping around town for the best products for my children, and it's even more fun around the holidays. It's without a doubt that I recommend Bay & Bee to everyone...
Unfortunately, vaccines have become controversial among many parents. This is largely due to a now-discredited report from a doctor who claimed to find a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Andrew Wakefield's study was retracted from British medical journal...
Co-sleeping is like the boyfriend I just cannot break up with. I try to leave him, but after about a month he’s back. I make excuses for him and have stopped telling my friends we’re back together. Like many moms,...
Today I was that person. Yes, that person who stealthily walked into the store to purchase a pregnancy test. I was so uncomfortable and felt like all eyes were on me. I even had the cashier tell me, “I...
I first planned to write this post about four months ago. I had already gone through the process of getting rid of pacifiers with two of my daughters years ago, and I was preparing to do it with my...

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