Sleep regressions can happen throughout our little ones’ lives. Our once perfectly sleeping babies now have multiple wakeups at night, early morning wakeups or those pesky short naps may start to make an appearance. We, as parents, often wonder...
Oh I know, toddlers can be little jerks. I have two 2-year-olds, and when they are both face down on the pavement screaming in protest over leaving their older brother's baseball practice, there's not much I can do but...
If I could take my darling boy to Neverland, I would do it so that he would never grow up. But in reality that will never happen, no matter how much I refuse to believe he will turn 3...
Act 1, Scene 1: 4-Year-Old, shouting (or his regular voice since they’re the same): I don’t want to put my shoes on! 2019 Mom, calmly with cheer and understanding: I see that you’re frustrated and aren’t feeling happy about getting your...
Since he was three weeks old, my son was happiest when we were out and about rather than sitting at home. Once he learned to talk, he would bring me my shoes then stand at the front door and...
Your little toddler is about to turn 2 years old, and if you were like me, who went all out planning for the first birthday party as if it was my wedding all over again, you probably swore off...
January is here and so is the height of flu season. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released the statistics from the 2018 season and they are sobering: an estimated 80,000 Americans died of the flu last season (approximately...
As an interior designer — and person of questionable sanity — who has moved seven times over the last eight years, I thought I knew all there was to know about how to choose a home and floor plan that...
You know this phase. The one where your counter is constantly covered in a not-found-in-nature shade of orange powder. The one where you can't step in your car without hearing the crunch of crushed crackers dropped from snack traps...
Often throughout my life, my father has said to me, "Don't be so hard on yourself!" Of course, in high school and college, and while looking for jobs and looking for a better job, and during grad school, I'd...
In my house, we use screen time sparingly and mostly as a treat. Television isn’t something that my daughter gets the opportunity to watch too often — we definitely keep it within the limits as suggested by the American...
Jacksonville Moms Blog is excited to host our 2nd Annual Fall Family Day at Celestial Farms sponsored by CareSpot! Conveniently located near Jacksonville International Airport, Jacksonville Moms Blog readers and their families are invited to join us for a private event at...

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