Health + Wellness

Strong Mom and Daughter Jacksonville Mom

When you ask any mother about her family’s desires, one priority stands out above the rest: health and wellness. In a world where health care crises are on the rise, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with information. So, how can we separate the important facts from the noise?

That’s where Jacksonville Mom comes in. We’re here to provide you with up-to-date information, valuable resources, and diverse perspectives that directly impact the well-being of your family. We understand that moms already have a lot on their plate, and the last thing they need is to search for reliable sources of information. That’s why we’ve got you covered.

From the importance of early mammograms, to common pregnancy myths, to demystifying cold and flu symptoms with expert advice and mental health support- we’ve got you covered. Jacksonville Mom addresses a wide range of health and wellness topics, catering to every stage of life from pregnancy to birth, adolescence, and beyond.

But it doesn’t stop at doctors and medicine. We know that a busy mom must also prioritize self-care while balancing the needs of her children, family, and home. That’s why we offer guidance on self-care practices for moms on the edge of burnout and highlight the benefits of yoga for moms seeking balance. Our health and wellness resources offer valuable insights into the latest trends, services, and strategies for taking care of ourselves while caring for others.

With a team of over 40 contributors, Jacksonville Mom is dedicated to making it easy for busy moms to access accurate and essential health and wellness information. We’re here to help you find answers to your pressing questions. Let us be your trusted source for all things health and wellness.

It’s official! Teal is the new orange this Halloween. Have you spotted all the beautiful teal pumpkins around town? These guys are not just a trend — they are a trend with a purpose. The Teal Pumpkin Project is...
Every year in the United States, approximately 89,000 women are diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer — and approximately 29,000 women will die as a result of their gynecologic cancer. It is unbelievably tragic that each year, 29,000 families are...
If you have Florida Blue as your primary health insurance carrier, you have likely received a notice in the mail about who your (and/or your kids') new primary doctor will be if Baptist Health and Florida Blue don't reach...
Have you ever felt like you’re caught in a never-ending cycle of hustle — constantly juggling work, family life, and a never-ending to-do list? As moms, we often feel this pressure to “do it all,” but what happens when...
I knew the instant I saw her name on my phone why she was calling. I always somehow knew that she would be the one to call when it happened. I ignored the first call, as if sending her...
In May 2023, after an unexpected emergency surgery and a few days in the ICU, my kids, who at the time were only ages 6 years old and 18 months old, lost their Pappy, their beloved grandfather. On Thursday...
There's no doubt about it — pregnancy can bring on some bizarre cravings and make us hungrier than we typically are. But what about when expectant mamas fill their plate a third or fourth time and joke that they're...
I was always going to be a mom. After 5 years of marriage, we decided it was finally time to get off birth control. I was shocked to find out that I got pregnant on the first try! I...
As I sit here, sipping my lukewarm coffee (that I’ve reheated at least three times), I can’t help but reflect on our journey into the wild world of motherhood. As summer fades and the school year kicks off, I’ve...
Pregnancy and impending parenthood can make your heart skip a beat or two. It can make your heart sing or tear at your heartstrings. But how does pregnancy affect your heart health? And how can you protect yourself, and...
As a child and adolescent therapist of gifted children and high performers, I know that the brains of our kids are capable of complex things. However, even gifted, creative, and high-performing kids can only bring awareness to so many...
The sad stories are a constant every year, but it still hits hard when we hear it: a student suddenly collapses on the football or baseball field, seemingly out of nowhere. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately...

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