If you can get through the traffic on the ride home, homework tantrums, screaming, dinner mess, making lunches, cleaning out backpacks, bath and teeth brushing, and finally get to snuggle time, that’s the reward for tired mamas everywhere at...
I’m finally coming to terms with my love-hate relationship with social media. I just saw another one of my old high school friends got married this weekend, and another one just popped out baby no. two, always exciting content....
Let me preface this post by saying, my family of five has already experienced COVID-19 firsthand. Is it necessary to mention that we also washed our hands for much longer than 20 seconds, we wore masks while out in...
In a world where it feels like every thought or action gets posted to Instagram stories, where Christmas cards have gone virtual, where entire museums exist for Facebook selfies, a new trend seems to be rising from this pandemic. We've...
When I was a graduate student looking for a job — with a 5-year-old and newborn — to no avail, I began to seek out mentors. Because surely there’s a mama out there who has had to juggle school,...
It's safe to say that we're all going a little stir crazy from being cooped up inside these days. Our kids have a neverending list of questions, and we're all trying to find things to do without really leaving the...
My daughter received a cell phone for her birthday the summer before 6th grade, and she’s currently in 7th grade. We set up protections on the phone, such as she can’t download apps without approval and have no access...
I recently purchased a shirt that I saw one night on Instagram. It said, "If You're Not Angry, You're Not Paying Attention.” This shirt and its message spoke to me. Since March 2020, I have felt so many emotions...
When I was a child, the internet did not exist. My baby photos, school projects, and family vacations were not available for public consumption. And this was a good thing for me. I sometimes did not fit in and...
Given the current environment and reliance on remote learning, it’s really important to manage screen time for overall good health when everything from school to church to ballet lessons is being offered online. It is also essential to focus...
Our son is in 5th grade, and we’re in the last chapter of elementary school days. He’ll start middle school this fall, and as parents, we’re heavy into conversations about preparing for “the talk” this summer, how we’re going...
Teach my kid how to what!? I can barely help them with their math homework. Before you write off this suggestion, let's learn a bit about coding. It is an emerging industry, and much like learning a second language,...

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