
Pregnancy in Jacksonville

Congratulations, you’re expecting a baby and walking through a pregnancy! This is a time filled with excitement and anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. But as a new mom, it can also be quite overwhelming. There are so many things to consider, from choosing a pediatrician to finding the perfect baby gear. And if you’re living in Jacksonville, Florida, you may be wondering what resources are available to you in this big city.

Luckily, we’ve got cover everything you need to know about being pregnant in Jacksonville, baby shower gift ideas, and becoming a new mom in this vibrant city. Whether you’re a first-time mom or you’re expecting another little addition to your family, we’ve got you covered.

Becoming a new mom and preparing for a baby can be a daunting task, but living in Jacksonville has its perks – especially some of the best places to have a baby shower. With plenty of resources available, including top-rated hospitals, so you can feel confident in the care you and your baby will receive. And with a variety of baby gear, clothing, and accessories available, you can also have fun shopping and preparing for your new arrival. Remember to take it one day at a time, and enjoy this special time with your new baby!

Baby showers are simply a given, and although I am a mother, I sometimes have no idea what I should gift the expectant mom. Frankly, I have forgotten what items I loved during the newborn stage, and as time...
A little over 3.5 years is how much of my life I have collectively dedicated to breastfeeding my three little ones. I breastfed my oldest daughter for 18 months and my son for 15 months. My baby girl just...
This is this fifth and final post in a series by an author who has chosen to remain anonymous during her two-year fertility journey — until now. Click to read Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV. Infertility affects as many as...
Bumps, Babies and Brunch oh my! On Saturday, May 20, Jacksonville Moms Blog hosted 100 guests at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa for an event celebrating pregnancy and motherhood. Our guests mix and mingled with other...
I was 18 weeks pregnant when my high-risk OB (advanced maternal age and conceived by IVF) saw it on the ultrasound. He pointed to the screen and said, “This thumb appears to be wider than the other one. It’s...
I’m one of the million mothers out there making a list and checking it twice, dashing around trying to find the perfect gift for my preschoolers when it hit me. I have the best resources at my fingertips...other parents....
Infertility. A word no one wants to hear, especially when it applies to themselves. Conceiving a baby is supposed to be easy... and fun! You fall in love, get married, decide you're ready for kids, do the hanky panky,...
Many women wonder why during pregnancy, and even after pregnancy, they develop blue or purple bulgy veins, known as varicose veins, on their legs. Varicose veins are the result of faulty valves within your superficial vein system. Veins carry blood...
"Wait. There are timers for your nipples?" I sat smugly in the corner at yet another baby shower, and this was the response I blurted out when the mom-to-be was overcome with jubilation opening the gift that was her breastfeeding timer....
If you've had a baby or are expecting for the first time, you might have heard of a birth plan. It's an actual piece of paper that you bring with you to the hospital detailing how you want your...
I like to consider myself as somewhat of a veteran to the world of baby products and services now that my oldest is about to turn four. It's an overwhelming task to register for baby supplies or even know...

Am I an Old Mom?

When you turn 35 you earn the new title of “Advanced Maternal Age,” which throws you instantly into a category of high-risk for complications in pregnancy. Risks like higher rates of chromosomal disorders and age-related issues like diabetes or...

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