I’ll never forget the first time I thought about being a “tattooed mom.” It was 2012, and I was crouched over my infant daughter’s car seat, wrestling the buckles while carefully balancing a diaper bag, when I heard the...
Teach my kid how to what!? I can barely help them with their math homework. Before you write off this suggestion, let's learn a bit about coding. It is an emerging industry, and much like learning a second language,...
Halloween in the south is very different than in other parts of the country. In Jacksonville, like in other warmer climates, some of the tips you find on the typical Halloween safety lists just don’t apply. However, keeping your...
Have you ever tried a new recipe, and had it be... well, awful? Like mind-numbingly bad? So bad that you knew it couldn’t have been anything you did, the recipe was either put together by someone who was clearly...
It’s that time of year again. School is back in the swing of things, and the volunteer sign ups and Room Mom nominations are starting to circulate. While you may not want to assume the seemingly daunting task...
I'm back. Remember me and me? It's that time — another body positivity Ted Talk. It's bathing suit season in Florida. And no matter who you are or what size you are, bathing suits bring up a mix of emotions. The other...
While I spend time preparing the house, my car and myself for this baby’s arrival my husband and I have made a conscious effort to also prepare my daughter.
You’re 13 years old and driving in the car with your father. He has AM radio on (you remember AM radio don’t you? Go away, younger millennials, I am not explaining this). There are boring men speaking, and once...
Well, here we are. One of the internet's most controversial women — none other than Rachel Hollis herself — has stepped in it, yet again. Hollis decided to take to her social media accounts to publish a one-minute rant, in...
I was working full-time in marketing when I became pregnant with twins. It was our first experience as a family having to navigate the world of paid childcare. After a lot of research, interviews and extensive mom guilt, we...
My son is busy, busy, busy! I get him outside as much as possible – the playground, the pool, even the backyard with a hose and some beach buckets. But there are always those times when he can’t be...
We know, we know: It's summer, and school is the last thing anyone is thinking about right now. But we also try keep some educational activities in our summer vacation, right? So don't miss out on your last chance...

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