
Pregnancy in Jacksonville

Congratulations, you’re expecting a baby and walking through a pregnancy! This is a time filled with excitement and anticipation as you prepare to welcome a new life into the world. But as a new mom, it can also be quite overwhelming. There are so many things to consider, from choosing a pediatrician to finding the perfect baby gear. And if you’re living in Jacksonville, Florida, you may be wondering what resources are available to you in this big city.

Luckily, we’ve got cover everything you need to know about being pregnant in Jacksonville, baby shower gift ideas, and becoming a new mom in this vibrant city. Whether you’re a first-time mom or you’re expecting another little addition to your family, we’ve got you covered.

Becoming a new mom and preparing for a baby can be a daunting task, but living in Jacksonville has its perks – especially some of the best places to have a baby shower. With plenty of resources available, including top-rated hospitals, so you can feel confident in the care you and your baby will receive. And with a variety of baby gear, clothing, and accessories available, you can also have fun shopping and preparing for your new arrival. Remember to take it one day at a time, and enjoy this special time with your new baby!

The month of October marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, a month set aside to raise awareness of loss and also to remember those babies who will be forever loved in our hearts. 25% of pregnancies do not go...
Brought to you by Wolfson Children’s Hospital Expecting your first baby is a very exciting time but it can also be overwhelming. If you just found out that you are pregnant, you’re probably trying to get your hands on as much...
I’m going to save everyone’s time and some internet space and skip the obvious items here: car seat, stroller with good sun protection, thermometer, crib, bouncer, breast pump, Ergo or similar baby carrier, diaper bag, burp cloths and blankets....
Last year, I wrote about my decision to undergo a bilateral salpingectomy — or, in plain English, to have my fallopian tubes removed. Why? Because according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), new research suggests that...
This is Part IV in a series of blog posts by the author who has chosen to stay anonymous during her fertility journey. Click to read Part I, Part II and Part III. Today is my husband’s birthday. We...
Part One: Getting Pregnant When given my history, finding a good man and becoming a mother was really a 20 year ordeal, but I’ll just start where my life truly began. I was 43 and married to Jeff for exactly a...
Growing up, I had heard of March of Dimes and my family always contributed when the envelope with the dime arrived in the mail. Little did I know that in 2011, my life would change in a way that put...
Holidays in a military family can be something of a Choose Your Own Adventure. Far from family and the comfort of holidays at home, you're forced to create your own traditions--sometimes with people you barely know. I'm not from a large...
  Preparing for a baby is an exciting and special time. It is also overwhelming. I know that shopping for baby products can just reduce a hormonal mama-to-be to tears – there is so much stuff and so many brands...
When I was pregnant with my first child my husband and I attended a few parenting classes at the hospital. One day before class I passed a new mom sitting in a wheelchair with her brand new baby, waiting...
I will be the first to admit, I’m just a little bit of a control freak. Given the life I live as a military spouse, there are many things that are 100% out of my control. Where we live,...
Bumps, Babies and Brunch oh my! On Saturday, May 20, Jacksonville Moms Blog hosted 100 guests at the beautiful Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa for an event celebrating pregnancy and motherhood. Our guests mix and mingled with other...

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