Being a mom boss, in the throes of running a business or handling business often leaves little time to keep up with ever-evolving seasonal fashion trends. Don’t fret… full days of diaper changes, soccer games or balancing everything from play...
Teach my kid how to what!? I can barely help them with their math homework. Before you write off this suggestion, let's learn a bit about coding. It is an emerging industry, and much like learning a second language,...
It's only November 6th and I'm a mom on a mission. For Christmas this year I vow to limit the amount of plastic that enters my house by including gifts that I can make for my family! Plus, I just...
As we all navigate through the pandemic, social distancing, and virtual schooling, we are faced with day-to-day decisions that may have been easier to answer just a few weeks ago. Whether you have school-age children or college-age children who...
Every mom dreams of being like Martha Stewart right? We want each holiday to be a perfect memory for our children. We see all of the great craft ideas and think, "I can totally do that!" This month's cover...
Earth day always brings out the crunchy mama side to my personality. I love sustainable living and make a serious effort to make earth healthy choices every day. But modern life and crazy schedules can get in the way...
Every mother looks at her child and thinks, "There really is nothing I would change about this precious little human. I love squishy baby rolls and extra chubby cheeks, and I know that I am not alone!" Topics like...
Healthy eating, check, regular workouts, check. I thought I had things under control and was feeling pretty good about myself. One particular day I even got a crazy burst of energy and decided to get the house clean. Before I...
I love fashion, but fashion doesn’t love me. I get an unreasonable amount of anxiety when invited to any place that requires that I put on something other than athletic wear. It’s not that I don’t want to look...
Hi, it's me. The girl who's likely always wearing a bold lipstick! Typically a bright pink or red, but corals, fuchsias, and even shades of orange are in my regular rotation. I've been a lipstick lover for as long...
Frequent hand washing may be one of the best weapons to combat COVID-19, but this can also be a nightmare to people who suffer from hand eczema and other skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. About 31.6 million Americans are...
Please don’t think that this is all about tiaras, sashes, spray tans, big dresses, bigger hair, 5” heels, bling jewelry and a mom who’s living out her beauty-queen dreams through her daughter. My daughter has never competed in a...

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