This weekend, I cleaned out my twins' closet. My son is giant, 20 pounds at eight months, and pretty much skipped straight from six-month clothes to 12-month clothes. I missed a box, stored under the bed, of hand-me-downs that...
Every December, instead of making a list of what we want to "get," my family makes a list of all the things we can "give." Our time, our money, things we've outgrown or underused — all go to others who...
Before I had kids, one of my favorite friends mentioned that she and her one-year old son had a fire station tour on the calendar.  I thought - how fun, how do you get to do that?  She said that...
World Breast Feeding Week is being held August 1st-7th,2014. The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action is celebrating 22 years of promoting breastfeeding and support for mothers. This is a global effort to normalize and educate people about the benefits...
Doctors who are knowledgeable and experienced in prenatal care are vital to the healthy development of your baby. If you are trying to conceive, are newly pregnant, or just looking to change your doctor, North Florida OBGYN of Jacksonville Beach has...
Finally getting that positive pregnancy test result can be absolutely thrilling. Even while you're still unwrapping the second stick to test again because this can't be real, you're thinking of the seven hundred Facebook friends who need to know, like, right...
So this is it. (Read IVF Part I and IVF Part II) After two weeks of medicines and doctor’s appointments, we are ready to try to get pregnant. On a day determined by my doctor, I gave myself one final...
Childbirth. Such a simple concept right? Baby in... baby out. Like most other important life events, there are many decisions to be made along the way. Not only are you planning the biggest DIY project you will ever do,...
It's hard to make friends with two-day-old spit up all over your four-day-old t-shirt. It's hard to make friends when your toddler has let you sleep approximately three hours in last three years, forcing you to spend the last three...
After having a baby, the last person a new mom makes time for is herself. However, in the weeks following the birth, it is very important for mothers to care for themselves so they can take care of their...
After years of trying to conceive, we’re pregnant. One of the many things I am worried about is the age gap between my first and the new baby due in the spring. If all goes as planned, they will...
I'm a mom in her thirties, and in the time I've been alive, incredible advancements have been made for people with Down syndrome. When I was born, in the 1980s, people with Down syndrome had a life expectancy of...

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