Brought to you by Nemours Brightstart! Most of us don’t give much thought to our child’s reading skills until she’s preparing to enter kindergarten or VPK. Let’s be realistic: in those first few years of a child’s life, it can...
Everyone knows breastfeeding can be hard. Whether you pump, nurse or do something in between, the process is time-consuming and exhausting. As a stay-at-home mom, I’ve been able to mostly breastfeed and only had to pump on occasion. However,...
Life itself gives us the opportunity to learn. It gives us numerous lessons in love, kindness, and compassion. Let’s not forget the lessons in anger, hurt, and jealousy. No one ever said life was easy, and no one said...
Precious Malachi Hackworth is certainly not shy. The 2-year-old little life of the party isn't one to back off from any spotlight — in fact, he's the first to grab the mic to belt out tunes alongside the choir...
If you've found yourself taking on a few unexpected homeschooling responsibilities for an unspecified amount of time, rest assured you are in good company. Feeling a bit overwhelmed given the circumstances isn't uncommon, but hopefully, this list of (mostly...
This year is hard. It’s strange, different, and goes against everything we’ve ever imagined for our children’s education. Yet here we are, making the best of what we can and returning to the “new normal” for our kids. Throughout...
In six months, my son will be headed off to college just one year after my daughter started her freshman year. As my husband and I have navigated college applications, school choices, and the seemingly never-ending expenses that come...
"Hey," I say as I lean toward a student in the front row, "Phones are not allowed in class, remember? Please put yours away." "Hold on a sec," the student replies energetically, "I’m about to catch a Pokémon!" "And, it’s a...
There was no “defining moment,” like dressing in drag or preferring to play with Barbies or crushing on Bieber, but by the time he was in middle school, I started to suspect my son might be gay. Naturally, I...
A few weeks ago, I found myself back at a playground in our old neighborhood. My oldest son had a basketball game in the area, and I let my twins play on the playground while his team warmed up...
Now that we are a few weeks into the start of school, how's it going? If you answered, eh, well... then here are some thoughts and tips on how to make things a little smoother during this big transition...
I hadn’t planned on writing anything about pregnancy loss this year. Sometimes it feels like maybe I talk about it too much. Sometimes it feels like it’s not something that people want to be reminded about. (Especially from a...

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