This week, everyone's (least?) favorite author and influencer announced that she has a new book being released next month. And, as only Rachel Hollis can do, she managed to make a genuinely emotional, traumatic topic like divorce seem almost...
As I write this, I hear my children talking to our Amazon “Alexa” to their YiaYia and Papou (Greek for Grandmother and Grandfather) for the fourth time today. It’s not because they live up north and rarely get to...
It's one of the best things leading up to the Holidays, right!? Checking the mail each day wondering whose cards you'll receive next. I love seeing what everyone has been up to throughout the year (even if they are...
Planning on ringing in the new year at home with the kids? Me too. You're never too young to enjoy a good party! And what a great way to teach your kids about goals and resolutions. This may be...
Repeat after me:  "I Mommy... promise to being more organized in 2014. I will stop spending too money much on groceries and will stop stressing due to last minute meal-time decisions." Seriously... this is the year. I'm certain that I...
People usually look at me like I’m crazy when I suggest they do it. But for those brave enough to try it, Screen-Free Week is a fun way to reframe your relationship with screens as a family. Add in...
Would you ever eat something off your floor? No, this is not a trick question. We all know about the five-second rule and it's probably safe to say we all have done it and questioned it later, but after...
Upon reading the news of Carrie Fisher’s untimely death, I scoured my photos looking for the picture. I remember taking it and loving it, but I never remembered really getting a chance to study it. When I found it...
Growing up, I had three siblings. Monica, a sister four years my junior; Misti, a small-but-important-step-away-from-feral cat; and Mac-named for Paul McCartney and my Grandaddy-a pit bull/ ehhhhh, questionably American Bulldog mix. Misti and Mac were both rescues--she from under...
I am an extremely organized person. From the time I figured out how to line my Barbies up in a row, my organization system has more or less been "a place for everything, and everything in its place." And...
As a mother of 2- and 4-year-old girls, I have mixed emotions about the Frozen movies. On one hand, I’m thrilled because I know their level of excitement to see Queen Elsa could be rivaled only by Anna’s when...
Spring seems to have finally taken hold in Northeast Florida, and everywhere you look, trees and plants are sprouting new growth and coming back to life. For a region that doesn’t experience a dramatic change of seasons, early spring...

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