Love + Marriage + Relationships

Couple on the beach - love + marriage + relationships, Jacksonville Mom

Being an awesome mom goes beyond taking care of the kids. It’s all about creating a loving environment where feelings are shared, problems are solved, and happiness and love thrives. We know it’s not easy, especially with the everyday stresses of life. That’s why nurturing strong and healthy relationships is crucial for moms like us!

At Jacksonville Mom, we understand the ups and downs of relationships, especially in motherhood. We’re here to share valuable insights on building and strengthening the bonds with our loved ones and here to support when some relationships come to an end.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but it can also be enjoyable and rewarding. We share favorite Jacksonville date night spots or if you prefer the early bird, we share the beauty of day dates in Jacksonville. We also provide advice on maintaining a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s finding the perfect girls day lunch spot or ways to love on a friend battling cancer. As mothers we are always juggling busy schedules and it can make finding time for relationships hard. We share why mom friendships often require grace and why it really does take a village to raise children.

Our passionate team of 30+ writers delivers thought-provoking content on relationships bringing hope during challenging times and nurturing friendships and marriages throughout the journey of motherhood.

Laundry is always all over our room. The laundry room is on the second floor, next to our bedroom. My husband had nicely folded all the bath towels, and when I grabbed one off the chair in our room,...
When it comes to the holidays, my husband and I are basically a mix of Buddy the Elf and the Grinch. I start getting excited about Christmas pretty much as soon as the Halloween madness ends. I love the...
When my husband and I were engaged, I started doing what every excited, newly engaged twenty-something girl does: I started practicing signing my new name. Heather Lynch. Heather Lynch. Heather Lynch. I wrote it over and over and over....
Nike got it right with their slogan: Just do it. We didn’t have a whole lot growing up, but I never really truly went without. Sure, they might have been Sikes instead of Nikes or the off-brand of Keds...
As a 38-year-old mom of two toddlers, I’ve successfully walked through a number of life experiences — the ones that fine-tune every aspect of your being. I’ve encountered academic obstacles and career highs and lows. I’ve danced around disordered...
The Beginning I was today years old when I signed my very first lease with just my signature. There were no co-signers like in college, and I was not listed as secondary — as I was during much of my...
Date nights are so important. I mean, if we're doing continuing education for our careers, shouldn't we do things like date nights to better our marriages, too? Yes. Yes, we should. And let's not forget, we're also setting the...
I haven't always considered myself to be a feminist. Maybe it was my conservative upbringing or certain negative connotations that can be associated with the word "feminist." Maybe it was my laziness or lack of desire to get involved....
Falling in love with the man of your dreams does not mean that you will fall in love with his children, or be besties with his ex-wife. Some do, and that’s wonderful! But for the rest of us, it...
When I was younger, and throughout most of my adult life, I could not miss a single thing. I loved having a full schedule that included work, fun, family, GNOs, workouts, date nights with the huz, brunch with friends......
Men. They can be so simple — no disrespect meant, but emotionally, they're no female — yet so darn difficult to shop for. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe it's because many of our partners would be completely content with...
Fact: Mamas are not always very nice to each other and I wish that we, the stronger sex, could join our forces more often than we do. It might be hard to do when you vehemently disagree with someone,...

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