We know, we know: It's summer, and school is the last thing anyone is thinking about right now. But we also try keep some educational activities in our summer vacation, right? So don't miss out on your last chance...
Today I am sharing 5 tips that have helped me stay organized recently in the hopes that we can all share what works for us and what doesn't work out at all. I have made just ONE goal for myself...
Upon reading the news of Carrie Fisher’s untimely death, I scoured my photos looking for the picture. I remember taking it and loving it, but I never remembered really getting a chance to study it. When I found it...
I cannot remember a time when recycling wasn’t a part of my life. As a child, I was surrounded by campaigns and curricula that explained the importance of it. In school, on Sesame Street, billboards and commercials alike, I...
With the kids back to school and their activities back in full swing, I have really seen a need to get myself organized.  Us moms have a BIG job, you know!?  And with that thought, I realized the importance of having a...
It's spooky season, y'all! It has been a long year, but we have finally arrived to the quarter of fun festivities, as I like to call it. With so much on our plates right now, keeping the kids entertained...
When you have little ones, date nights are essential, and my husband and I try to get out as often as we can. Dinner and a movie, concerts, bowling — all of these things are fun, but what if...
As the saying goes, one man's trash is another man's treasure. That is especially true at thrift stores where bargain shopping is endless, and sometimes you can find amazing deals and hidden gems on things at a fraction of...
Name that tune: "When I'm gone, When I'm gone, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Those lyrics are from Anna Kendrick's rendition of "Cups" in the movie Pitch Perfect, in which she enhances the song with a beat...
For my son’s 8th birthday we hosted a Mad Science Party. The kids rotated through stations completing some fun experiments. Most of these experiments can be completed using simple household materials, and I’ve provided some links to some of...
I click on every article I see about hospitality. I love the idea of come one, come all Sunday suppers, of friends popping in for coffee at any time, of people stopping by for dinner any day of the...
Apple picking. Hayrides. Warm apple cider. Flannel. Blanket scarves. Cozy. Pumpkin spice. Colorful leaves. Crisp, cool air.  Doesn’t that list make you feel cozy and peaceful? It sounds like everything wonderful about fall — well, fall anywhere but the South. Southern...

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