I grew up within 30 minutes of Anaheim, California, which meant that Disneyland trips were easy and scattered throughout my childhood, with a few glorious years as an annual passholder. When I moved to Jacksonville from the DC Metro...
Summer is officially upon us, and if you're like me, you are scrambling to find memorable events to experience with your kids. When I became a stay-at-home mom three years ago, I had no idea what on earth I...
We're not even quite to July yet, and my kids are already chanting "I'mmmmm bored" on a daily basis! Last year I came up with 10 kid-friendly day trips from Jax, and now I need more! So here are 10...
When my husband told me the Navy was sending us to Florida my first thought was DISNEY! I couldn’t wait to show my princess-loving daughter the magic of Disney. While I was dreaming about Mickey and Minnie, my husband...
After catching the "Big City Bug" traveling to NYC last year for spring break, our kids were begging to visit another big city. Being city lovers ourselves, we happily agreed and decided to travel to The Windy City! I...
"This much I know. If you are what you eat, then I only wanna eat the good stuff." –Ratatouille You are on vacation. Forget the diets and enjoy your time off in the Happiest Place on Earth — which actually...
Before I turned 15, I’d lived in two countries, four states and had been enrolled in five different schools. Growing up as a military brat we moved every three years like clockwork during the summer. It was an amazing...
In December, we took our 7-year-old son to Costa Rica. It was his first time out of the country and he was excited to get his first stamp in his shiny, new passport. This was the first time leaving...
Thanks to my incessant need to plan adventures for me and my kids to experience together, I decided to research the many opportunities in Florida to get up close and personal with all sorts of living creatures. Some of...
Exhausted, I slid into my row and fastened my seat belt as the plane pushed back from the gate. I was barely paying attention to the aircraft safety features when the pilot warned me to expect some turbulence during...
Can I get a show of hands if you are planning a road trip this holiday season? After five years living in Jax, this year we plan to hit the road after Christmas to head to my hometown in...
There is no doubt that being a working mom comes with its own set of victories and struggles. My wife and I both work full-time, demanding jobs, and there are multiple schedules to juggle, pickups to coordinate, and kid...

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