I am good at a lot of things. I am also terrible at a lot of things. Decorating my house is one of them. I have a mental block when it comes to decorating. We live in a phenomenal...
The design U. Spring Pop-Up Shop is open at The Avenues Mall through June 27th. Design U. is a creative, fun and fashionable experience for trendy and creative girls and young women who are looking for the latest fashion that they...
Hello, Jax Moms Blog readers. I am so happy to be back here sharing another project with you. This project is so easy, I can not believe this was my first time making one, and it definitely won’t be...
Since St. Patrick's Day is coming up, my kids and I have been creating our own colorful projects with rainbow crafts and activities. Rainbows are popular during St. Patrick's Day because folklore has it that a leprechaun's pot of...
I'm totally that dorky mom who needs to put my child (...myself, my house, my dog) in a themed outfit for every holiday, no matter how minor. Fat Tuesday? Here's your purple and green Mardi Gras romper. Columbus Day?...
For my son’s 8th birthday we hosted a Mad Science Party. The kids rotated through stations completing some fun experiments. Most of these experiments can be completed using simple household materials, and I’ve provided some links to some of...
Oh, I love Valentine’s Day. Mainly because it's the one time where it's acceptable to wear pink and red together and eat candy all day. Yep. What's not to love? So, in celebration of one of my favorite holidays, I thought...
Christmas is over and the decorations are back in the bins for another eleven months, before we pull them out again. Lights are put away for next Christmas as well. Or….. maybe they are still on the trees and...
When we put our hard work into making gifts for our children it can often times seem futile... at first. You don't necessarily spend less, and you always work harder to get a great outcome. Then when they open these things...
Thanksgiving is next week and that means turkey, time with family and a few days off school for the kids.  Here are a few easy Thanksgiving crafts to keep the kids busy during their time off. Paint Chip Turkey Supplies: Paint...
November 16-22 is celebrated as Geography Awareness Week, so I wanted to round up a few interactive maps, apps, and crafts to help your family explore more of the wonderful world of geography. My college degree and minor were...
It's only November 6th and I'm a mom on a mission. For Christmas this year I vow to limit the amount of plastic that enters my house by including gifts that I can make for my family! Plus, I just...

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