Name that tune: "When I'm gone, When I'm gone, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Those lyrics are from Anna Kendrick's rendition of "Cups" in the movie Pitch Perfect, in which she enhances the song with a beat...
Unfortunately, vaccines have become controversial among many parents. This is largely due to a now-discredited report from a doctor who claimed to find a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. Andrew Wakefield's study was retracted from British medical journal...
Growing up, I had heard of March of Dimes and my family always contributed when the envelope with the dime arrived in the mail. Little did I know that in 2011, my life would change in a way that put...
This weekend, I cleaned out my twins' closet. My son is giant, 20 pounds at eight months, and pretty much skipped straight from six-month clothes to 12-month clothes. I missed a box, stored under the bed, of hand-me-downs that...
I'm a mom in her thirties, and in the time I've been alive, incredible advancements have been made for people with Down syndrome. When I was born, in the 1980s, people with Down syndrome had a life expectancy of...
As moms, I think we all have said this once or twice during our lives: "I'm going to keep my baby in his/her crib for as long as I can (or until they climb out)." I, too, had this...
I admit it; I'm guilty. I never truly understood it or appreciated it until now. No infinite number of mommy friends, parenting classes, self-help books or blog posts could have prepared me for what has been the toughest three weeks of my entire...
“We’re done having babies,” I said through gritted teeth the moment I felt that first wave of morning sickness. “I know, I know,” my husband said almost guiltily as if he had forced me into having this third kid....
This is Part IV in a series of blog posts by the author who has chosen to stay anonymous during her fertility journey. Click to read Part I, Part II and Part III. Today is my husband’s birthday. We...
Little red hats prompt area mothers to be mindful of their own heart health You’ve probably heard that heart disease is the number-one killer among Americans, but did you know that about 80 percent of heart disease deaths could be...
Giving birth and the oftentimes stressful period of postpartum afterward doesn't have to be filled with uncertainty, anxiety and sheer terror — especially for first-time moms. Enter the birth specialists at Jacksonville's mumda: A group of trained women whose...
Co-sleeping is like the boyfriend I just cannot break up with. I try to leave him, but after about a month he’s back. I make excuses for him and have stopped telling my friends we’re back together. Like many moms,...

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